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Feb. 14th, 2013


WHO: Evan to Leah
WHAT: Gifts.
WHERE: Left on their bed.

Valentine's Day love for his love. )

Feb. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Kori and Leah
WHEN: February 2nd, 2020; early afternoon
WHERE: A previously unoccupied room in one of the admin buildings.
WHAT: Kori surprises Leah with a baby shower.
RATING: Medium, at most.
CHALLENGE: Pride vs. Humility

Kori had taken a lot of measures to make sure that Leah hadn’t caught any hint of what she’d been planning. )

Jan. 18th, 2013


WHO: Brandon, Kori and Leah
WHEN: January 18th, 2020; evening
WHERE: Lilah's place (sans Lilah)
WHAT: Stone sibling bonding. Or something.
RATING: Medium (?)

Part of her was disappointed that Lilah had opted not to stay in for the evening, but Kori knew that two out of three wasn't bad )

Jan. 7th, 2013


WHO: Vienna and Leah
WHAT: Dresses, Jewelry & Photography! Oh my! - Vienna starts her photography project with Leah first.
WHERE: An empty cell in Block B.
WHEN: January 7th, 2020; Afternoon.
RATING: Medium, maybe.

☆ ✮ ☆ )

Dec. 23rd, 2012



Read more... )


WHO: Evan and Leah
WHAT: A fight over Leah's refusal to calm down.
WHEN: 12/23, afternoon
WHERE: Their place
RATING: Language-medium, most likely

It was nice to think that little things like this had the chance to become tradition now, and he already had dozens of ideas in mind. )

Dec. 21st, 2012


WHO: Leah and Micah
WHEN: [forward-dated to] December 22, 2019; mid-afternoon
WHERE: The skating rink.
WHAT: Drunk!Micah, skating!Leah, and the Awkward Kiss of Awkward. o_O
RATING: Medium.
CHALLENGE: Booze and Shakin' in Mah Boots.

° o ° O ° o ° O ° o ° )

Dec. 18th, 2012


WHO: Zach and Leah
WHAT: A drunken run- in leads to awkward moments.
WHERE: A hallway near the cafeteria
WHEN: December 18th, 2019; Evening
RATING: Medium, maybe.

♠ ♦ ♠ ♦ ♠ )

Dec. 13th, 2012


WHO: Micah and Leah
WHAT: Rivals clashing!
WHERE: Cafeteria
WHEN: December 13, 2019; mid-morning?
RATING: Medium (might change, tho?)

You live in the problems you decided to build.. )

Dec. 8th, 2012


WHO: Leah
WHEN: December 9, 2019; between 11AM and 3PM
WHERE: Admin building, first floor office
WHAT: Marigold's 5th birthday.
RATING: Low. Also W for Wordy. O_O

° o ° O ° o ° O ° o ° )

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