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Apr. 24th, 2012


WHO: Lilah & Casey.
WHEN: April 24th, 2019, mid-afternoon.
WHERE: The old cell blocks, Sing Sing prison.
WHAT: Lilah gets lost and finds a Casey.
RATING: PG-13, tops.
STATUS: In progress.

I've rolled around the orchard and found myself too awkward; tickle me green, I'm too naive. )

Apr. 23rd, 2012


WHO: Rae to Leah
WHAT: Delivery of sweets.
WHEN Late morning, 04/24/19. Yes, even after the rudeness Leah tossed at her today. XD
WHERE: Outside Leah's room.

Because she resolved to herself that she was going to make them. )


WHO: Kori and Open.
WHAT: Kori’s taking a walk in the rain.
WHEN: April 23, midday.
WHERE: Sing Sing yard.
STATUS: In progress.

Listen to the rain )


WHO: George. (Open to reaction from Evan)
WHAT: A gift.
WHERE: Left outside Evan's room wrapped in brown paper.
WHEN: April 23.

I hope this makes you laugh )


WHO: Kori. (Open to reaction from Rae)
WHAT: Housewarming gift.
WHEN: Backdated to April 18th for the sake of canon.
WHERE: Sing Sing.

The little gift she gave )

Apr. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Rodeo and Adelaide
WHAT: Need to find each other. And then have a talk. What else is new?
WHEN: 4/22/19
WHERE: All over NYPL
RATING: Moderate
STATUS: In Progress

You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day. )

Apr. 20th, 2012


WHO: Kahea and OPEN
WHAT: Kahea is taking in the sun on 4:20
WHEN: April 20, 2019- afternoon
WHERE: Sing-Sing courtyard
RATING: PG-13 for drug use and language

He said child don't cry, it's not goodbye. )


WHO: From Casey, to Lilah
WHAT: A delivery of promised goods
WHEN: April 20, 2019
WHERE: Left in Lilah and Ellie's office, Building 5, Sing Sing

Slain by the words I lack, the world is bursting with sappy music. )

Apr. 18th, 2012


WHO: Rae to Elliot
WHAT: Spontaneous breakfast, gifts, a note and the start of a silly game.
WHEN: April 19th, 2019, morning.
WHERE: Left on Rae and Elliot's bedside table.

Because the way to a man's heart is always through his stomach. )

Apr. 16th, 2012


WHO: Rory and OPEN (even though OMG leaving threads open usually makes me panic and die)
WHAT: Morning run. Time for a break.
WHERE: Sing Sing grounds
WHEN: Super early, April 17th.
STATUS: In Progress

we keep driving round in circles afraid to call this place our own )

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