September 15th, 2012

[info]prettydeadly in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Rae and Silas
WHAT: Crib-put-togethery and dinner. Also talking.
WHERE: Rae's apartment.
WHEN: 09/15/19, night.
RATING: Medium for Silas' mouth?

And all the world come crashing in,
here's where we begin... )

[info]rebelinnature in [info]immune_ic

Who: George and Luke.
What: No Zombies AU, A debate gets out of control.
When: Backdated 9/12, afternoon.
Where: College classroom.
Rating: Low.
Status: In progress.

How strong does my passion flow,/Divided equally twixt two?/
Damon had ne'er subdued my heart/Had not Alexis took his part; )