August 24th, 2012

[info]caravahlo in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Marcus and O'Brien
WHERE: Infirmary, O'Brien's room.
WHEN: A late night after O'Brien's injury while he's in the infirmary. August 23rd?
WHAT: Holy shit, Marcus is doing his job!
RATING: M for Marcus's Mouth (language, as ever, medium)

This is a scene of awesome sceneness. Go ahead and click on it, now. YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY. )

[info]thedoctorisodd in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Sebastian and Caleb
WHERE: Shower Room
WHEN: August 25th, 3:47 AM
WHAT: Hygiene! Embarrassment! Soapy nudity! The possibilities are really only limited by whatever's possible in a shower room.
RATING: Might get Medium-high (whut?) for above-mentioned soapy nudity, etc. :O
STATUS: In Progress.

He'd actually taken to showering in his underwear because of the experience. )

[info]nojewfrohere in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Silas and Rae
WHEN: August 25, 2019; night
WHERE: Rae's place
WHAT: Awkward times. It's Rae's biteversary.
RATING: Medium.

★ ★ ★ )