June 23rd, 2012

[info]nohopekid in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Luke & George.
WHAT: Scouting out the bowling alley.
WHERE: Ossining.
WHEN: June 23rd, afternoon.
RATING: Medium ..?
STATUS: In progress.

e  )

[info]taisce in [info]immune_ic

Who: Taisce and O'Brien
What: Drinking and talking, because we're Irish damn it.
When: Backdated to 18 June; night.
Where: O'Brien's usual guard tower.
Rating: Uh, medium?
Status: Complete; Thread done in GDocs.

After finally pulling herself away from the network long enough to find her shoes, Taisce made her way to the guard tower. )

[info]martyjhiggins in [info]immune_ic

Who: Marty and O'Brien
What: Marty breaking into Sing Sing.
Where: Front gate area.
When: FORWARD DATED TO 26 June 2019; Nighttime.
Rating: Uhhhhh yeah it's gonna be a little bit violent?
Status: Started in GDocs, continuing in threads; In-Progress

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