Ramblings of a Misanthropic Anthropologist

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July 5th, 2011

04:18 pm - end of updates
Apologies to anyone who checks it, but this comm will no longer be updated. It will not be deleted.

I won't be posting anything to FFnet any more, either.

My fic remains on LJ at [info]mantic_torpor

Newer works are on [info]ishmael.

I may make a mirror at DW, potentially with more useful tags, but that's still up in the air.

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January 11th, 2010

09:56 am - 31 day Challenge
So, in an attempt to get myself writing again. I'm going to try a self-challenge. I'm going to write one short fic, 100-500 words, every day for 31 days. (Like [info]31_days except all on me.

The prompts are lyrics from Vienna Teng songs I've selected, which I will cross off as they're used. I won't do them in any kind of order so I'm more likely to think up of something. I hope to have a broad range of fandoms for this.

Prompts )

I will likely drop the ball, but I'm going to still attempt this, damn it. Something should appear later today.
Current Mood: hopeful
Current Music: Happatai - YATTA !

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August 16th, 2007

01:04 pm - Announcement and Intro
This is [info]imbrii's writing journal backup. Eventually, all fics over on Mantic Torpor will get transferred here, unless some other LJ clone proves shinier and I'm planning a permenant move there. Transferring will take some time as I have to do it by hand and SEmagic doesn't display correctly for IJ and lacks a "tags" field. But I do plan on it, whenever I get off my lazy butt.

Reason for the name change: Imbrication means "overlap" which I found quite appropriate (and I'm a vocab nerd.)
Current Mood: exhausted
Current Music: Maaya Sakamoto - Kissing the Christmas Killer

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