Deanna ([info]sweetsorcery) wrote in [info]ideas,
@ 2008-04-23 11:32:00

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More Interests, please.
I know there's a slightly older request for this, but I thought it couldn't hurt to bring the issue to the forefront again: please, please, may we have more interest slots? 150 is just not enough for some of us, and it's hard enough to find kindred souls without a slight difference in wording causing us to pass like ships in the night.
Considering not everyone would make use of this, it surely couldn't take up a lot of bandwidth, could it?

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2008-04-23 12:22 am UTC (link)
You know, I agree with you completely!

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2008-04-23 01:22 am UTC (link)
So do I. :)

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2008-04-23 03:01 am UTC (link)
Big time.

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2008-04-23 09:33 am UTC (link)
Oh, yes PLEASE. In this case, slight differences in wording = pain in the ass, and it's even worse for bilingual people -- e.g. I'm German and although I write mostly in English, I'm also interested in finding other Germans on IJ, thus I need two slots for some interests.

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2008-04-23 11:36 am UTC (link)
Oh yes, I totally agree with that! Slightly different wording, different easy to miss your possible new bff.

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2008-04-23 04:47 pm UTC (link)
I also agree wholeheartedly with this idea. It always makes me a little sad when I have to remove one interest so I can add another.

Also, it'd be great if we could add interests with more than 4 words. I'm a big fan of both How I Met Your Mother and So You Think You Can Dance and all I can do now is add their acronyms.

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2008-04-28 08:38 am UTC (link)
I support this idea.

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2008-05-06 06:09 pm UTC (link)
For paid users, +1

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