December 10th, 2007

[info]rainbowling in [info]icondilemma

Finlay Robertson

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[info]rainbowling in [info]icondilemma

Michael Obiora (25 icons)

Note: There aren't many icons of him, but he's so gorgeous that I couldn't pass up iconning him. He's from the Doctor Who episode entitled Blink, and he's also only 21 I think. I know for sure he's younger than me!

25 icons )

[info]rainbowling in [info]icondilemma

Natalie Portman in Leon

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[info]rainbowling in [info]icondilemma

Matt Caplan (60 icons)

Note: This is Matt Caplan. He's a singer/songwriter and was also Mark on RENT for a good long time. I saw him my senior year of high school and he's honestly the best Mark of the three I've seen, or four if you count Anthony Rapp in the movie. His chemistry with the other characters was just amazing and reminded me why Mark is my favorite character. Anyway, check out his music on myspace. If I ever scan the pic I have with him, maybe I'll icon that one too.

60 icons )

[info]rainbowling in [info]icondilemma

Mao Inoue in Hana Yori Dango (62 icons) 井上真央

Note: Inoue Mao is from a Japanese drama called Hana Yori Dango. It is seriously the craziest show I have ever seen, and now that I'm back in America and can watch it with subtitles, it doesn't make any more sense. But she's a good PB. Cultural note: Mao is her given name and Inoue is her family name.

62 icons )

[info]rainbowling in [info]icondilemma

Hunter Parrish

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[info]rainbowling in [info]icondilemma

Maggie Gyllenhaal

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[info]rainbowling in [info]icondilemma

Keiko Agena (270 icons)

Note: Keiko is a great PB, in my opinion. She's also 30, but she looks 17. Lucky.

270 icons )