May. 30th, 2011 @ 01:49 pm In the beginning...
location: work
Current Mood: calm

I've decided to start this asylum to place all my icons/headers/wallpapers/whathaveyou so that I'm not clogging up my personal journal with this stuff (hah!  As if I'll ever generate enough stuff to do that).

It's mostly for my own sanity.  I'll be the only one with posting access, but you can comment and make requests and the like whenever you feel like it.

  1. Take whatsoever your little heart desires. 
  2. Do NOT hotlink (download to your own computer, or upload to your own 'net space)
  3. CREDIT me.
  4. You do not have to comment, but knowing that you like something never hurts my ego.
  5. If you want to leave constructive criticism, go ahead.

I may alter things on a whim.  It's my asylum, my crazy, I get to do that.
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