Monday, June 29th, 2009

Time: Late afternoon, first day
Place: Mahir's quarters (or just outside of them)
Cast: Eppie and Mahir

Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it. )
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Time: Morning
Place: Huria's common room
Cast: Eppie, Aurora and...whomever wanders in :D

Eppie had woken late, refreshed from her sleep. As always she woke instantly and completely, no mist remaining in her mind after a splash of cold water to her eyes. It tightened the skin and brightened the gaze, and she was as religious in her ablutions as any Shepherd with his prayers. She lined her eyes with kohl, smoothed a honey balm on her lips, and tied her hair into a pair of loose plaits, carefully combing through it with her fingers first. The day would be well-spent: she had a list prepared. Meetings with contacts, some virtual and some immediate, and there was trading to be done, and perhaps a bit of the old up-and-down, if some came along that she liked the look of. For now there was something more important: Decoration.

Eppie would have liked to sit out in the sun, but one thing 'charm school' had taught her was that proper folk had ideas about what was ans wasn't fit to do in public. She thought it all rather silly herself, but...'when in Rome', and all that. Or Persephone, as the case may be (She'd never even been to New Rome, what was so special about it?). So she stayed in the common room of the Huria, soft music playing through a little gadget of brass and wood and copper wire next to her. She had a small dish of henna at her side, and was painstakingly marking out mehndi onto her clean, bare feet.
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Friday, June 19th, 2009

Day Two

Who: Tico Moreno, Eppie Cardiff, open(?)
When: Late Afternoon
Where: Eavesdown Docks

Considering everything, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that a place like Eavesdown was a little too much for Tico. The cacophony of life that greeted the unsuspecting target as soon as he set his foot outside Huria was perhaps one of the most overwhelming of the ‘verse and even though he was all for experiencing new, on Persephone this was taken to ridiculous lenghts. The clamor of people yelling and laughing and bargaining, and of ships landing and taking off made Tico’s ears ring, of the dozens of smells he could discern only a handful made him even remotely curious as to their origin, and the sights – they were the worst. Which, of course, made them the best, but it didn’t make his head hurt any less.

In his attempt to take everything in at once Tico didn’t bother with watching where he was going and almost ran into an annoyed-looking spacer. A group of young men, dressed in style more appropriate to the broad boulevards of Londonium, was playing cards next to an ancient-looking woman selling chicken. Besides her there was another vendor, this one with dogs in his cages, and behind him yet more people, with faces and dresses and hairstyles Tico had never seen before. And then, there, above the heads of a small crowd gathered to witness the spectacle, a boy floated in the air.

If Tico had remembered that he had just moments before been on his way to restock Huria’s medical arsenal, he would have probably protested that a nine-year-old, suspended in mid-air with a rope apparently attached to nothing as his only support was a valid enough reason for loitering. That purpose, however, with all its presumable importance was irrevocably chased away by more immediate concerns.

A boy. Floating. In the air.

His mouth slightly open, Tico edged between two other spectators, too confused to even remember to berate himself of getting sidetracked. Once, on St. Albans, Uncle Lalo had made a coin disappear from his palm. This was something quite different.
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Thursday, June 18th, 2009

Time: Afternoon
Place: Eavesdown Docks, near the Huria's loading bay
Cast: Eppie and...whomever should happen to wander up!

It was an absolutely lovely day. This was due to several things, none of which Eppie Cardiff had any control over - that made the day all the brighter. Eppie thought to herself, fanning herself in the heat and sipping at gin, that it was all very well to arrange things pleasingly; this was of course the sensible thing to do if one wanted to end up satisfied. Yet how much nicer somehow when things just naturally sort-of...fell that way? The sun was bright and clear in the sky, there were steady drafts of fresh, clean air that swept down the street from time to time, fluttering skirts and tumbling the litter along gaily. There were people coming and going, an endless parade of colour, scent, and cheerful uproar. Children run about, shouting and laughing, and there were blushing girls and weary old men, every sort, all for her amusement. There was even a faint whiff of curry floating by, which made the plate of papadums in Eppie's lap taste all the better (she'd gotten them for a kiss). And the best, the best thing about Persephone was that it was far, far away from the glorified refilling station of a moon that the Huria had whisked her away from a week before. In all this sensual glory, the only thing Eppie had anything to do with was that she was wearing her second-favourite dress. The rest all just...worked out.

She sat, watched people go by, and once in a while she saw someone interesting and wished they'd stop and talk to her. The gin was cold and burnt her throat, and everything was beautiful.
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