Monday, June 29th, 2009

Time: Morning
Place: Huria's common room
Cast: Eppie, Aurora and...whomever wanders in :D

Eppie had woken late, refreshed from her sleep. As always she woke instantly and completely, no mist remaining in her mind after a splash of cold water to her eyes. It tightened the skin and brightened the gaze, and she was as religious in her ablutions as any Shepherd with his prayers. She lined her eyes with kohl, smoothed a honey balm on her lips, and tied her hair into a pair of loose plaits, carefully combing through it with her fingers first. The day would be well-spent: she had a list prepared. Meetings with contacts, some virtual and some immediate, and there was trading to be done, and perhaps a bit of the old up-and-down, if some came along that she liked the look of. For now there was something more important: Decoration.

Eppie would have liked to sit out in the sun, but one thing 'charm school' had taught her was that proper folk had ideas about what was ans wasn't fit to do in public. She thought it all rather silly herself, but...'when in Rome', and all that. Or Persephone, as the case may be (She'd never even been to New Rome, what was so special about it?). So she stayed in the common room of the Huria, soft music playing through a little gadget of brass and wood and copper wire next to her. She had a small dish of henna at her side, and was painstakingly marking out mehndi onto her clean, bare feet.
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Friday, June 26th, 2009

Who: Aurora Kaye, Eli Gray
When: Evening
What: Eavesdown Docks, next to the Huria's bay

To describe what she was doing as cheating was not strictly accurate in Aurora's opinion. True, there were more than a few cards secreted in the cuff of her jacket. True, she currently sat smugly next to a generous pile of credits at her elbow more due to her skill at subterfuge than from her own abilities at the game. But cheating implied that there was something underhanded about what she was doing. How could that be the case when she was almost certain that the two men who sat across from here were busy doing the same thing? The men were silent at the moment, sullen and silently weighing their options in light of the three cards she had just laid down.

The three gamblers sat at opposing sides of the crate that had been turned into an impromptu card table, each one shifting uncomfortably from time to time on the smaller boxes that served as chairs. Aurora tapped a few round cards in her hand thoughtfully against her pursed lips, head tilted up at the sky as if the goings on of her opponents was the furthest thing from her mind. As her opponents two weighed their options, Aurora remained silent, her gaze fixed contentedly on a passing flock of birds above.

“What do you say gentlemen?” Aurora asked sweetly after a bit, finally glancing in their direction. Her expression was a portrait of innocence, all wide eyes and thoughtful, down-turned mouth. "My game?"

Seeing the others hesitate, she moved to collect the remaining credits on the table in one sweeping gesture, confident now in her victory. The spoils would go a long way towards making up what she had squandered on Persephone, caught up in a superfluity of spending possibilities its market had offered. She glanced back at the Huria's loading dock, affection visible on her face as she gazed at the ship she called home for the past two months. Maybe her new-found funds would go a measure towards equipping the ship as well, Aurora thought serenely, the weight of the credits in her open hand giving her a sense of satisfaction.
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Thursday, June 25th, 2009

Who: Aurora Kaye, Jonah Bryce
When: Late Afternoon
What: A market near the Eavesdown Docks

The noise and bustle of the market place seemed unending as the pair maneuvered through the busy stalls. Despite her shopping trip of the day before, Aurora found her gaze again lingering longingly on items displayed from all reaches of the system. Today's venture into commercial exchange was all about the ship, but that fact didn't stop her from coveting the things she spotted for herself. She paused to enjoy the smell of spices at one stand, wishing that she hadn't wasted the bulk of her spendings the previous day.

"Isn't this fun?" Aurora asked her companion in her mission, glancing up at Bryce with a wide smile. From her tone it was clear that this was less a question than a confident assertion of fact. The captain had given her permission the other day to whisk her second-in-command off in the name of getting a good bargain, and Aurora was intending to make good use of his presence.

"I think I spy him over there," she added, pointing at a large man who stood somewhat to the side of the chaos of buying and selling. Flat metal objects littered the makeshift table in front of him, glittering in the afternoon sun. These were clearly his wares on display, items Aurora was determined to secure for the Huria.
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Monday, June 15th, 2009

Day Two

Who: Aurora Kaye and Capt. Elysa Masson
When: Early Afternoon
Where: Kitchen, Huria

Aurora's parents had imparted many lessons to their only daughter--from how to repair a malfunctioning turbine in 10 minutes flat to how to spot an easy mark on any planet in the system. Frugality, however, had not been one of them. Aurora sat at the kitchen table aboard the Huria, one knee drawn up just below her chin, surveying the day's purchases spread out before her with glowing satisfaction. Bolts of fabric, mysterious mechanical parts, and small luxuries in every size and shape of container lay in a riot of color atop the table.

As she reached for her newest acquisition, some distant part of her thought guiltily about the disappearing nature of her savings. The majority of her attention, however, was focused on a contended contemplation of her spoils.

She sighed happily as she poured the newly purchased tea out into a dainty mug, breathing in the enticing aroma. The mixture of lavender and black root was one of her favorites, but only first-rate planets like Persephone managed to grow the stuff to her satisfaction. She raised the rim slowly to her lips, pausing to savor the moment, when the sound of footfall behind her announced the presence of an onlooker to her little ritual of consumerism.

"Try some, Captain?" She asked with a smile, gesturing with her free hand to the teapot. "You've never had anything like it, I swear. It's practically ambrosia."
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