Hsow_icons [entries|friends|calendar]
Holy S#!*, It's Only Wednesday...Icons!

"ONLY WEDNESDAY!!! Who else needs some artistic therapy??"


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Welcome to yet another icon challenge community. This one is a bit different. It takes place in the middle of the week and the prompt is either the image we give you or the word prompt. The weekly challenge will be featured in the above spot.

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This layout was created at premade_ljs.

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Challenge One [September 17, 2008 @ 2:03pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

Prompt: Cherries

Rules: fit within 100x100
Any colors, effects, blendings allowed.
You must post a link or the original image you use. This is to insure you don't just snag someone else's work and call it your own.
No animations.
All icons must be .jpg or .jpeg format
Three icons per screenname allowed for this challenge.

Post a icon itself
Followed by a hypertext link of where it can be found. You are responsible for hosting your own icons.

For ICONS and ICONS ONLY your mods suggest photobucket.com, free, easy and they don't require you to keep a list of the individual links where your images are stored.

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Mutually Assured Insanity [September 16, 2008 @ 5:04pm]

This will be the affiliates post. Want to be an affiliate, or would like to link to/ have this journal link to yours? Ask here.

Resource Post [August 15, 2008 @ 5:34pm]

Images Resources

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