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Gift for chemical_haven: The Gingerbread House (Luna/Hermione) [Feb. 16th, 2009|06:44 pm]
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Title: The Gingerbread House
Author: Mystery Cupid
Gift For: [info]chemical_haven
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Luna/Hermione
Summary: Living within a fairytale wasn’t everything Hermione thought it would be... Hermione POV.
Warnings: Explicit femmeslash, biting, rough sex, light bondage, some slight dirty talk, dub-con. Heavily AU and not DH-compliant at all. EWE. Mentions of character deaths (not main).
Words: 1,271
Disclaimer: Don’t own these characters, not making any profit, etc.
Notes: Hope this is something along the lines of what you wanted, dear recipient! Many thanks to my beta, who wishes to remain anonymous.

The Gingerbread House )
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Gift for purple_chalk: The Mending of Things (Hermione/Luna) [Feb. 6th, 2009|06:02 pm]
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Title: The Mending Of Things
Author: [info]heather11483
Recipient: [info]purple_chalk
Rating: R
Word Count: 5467
Warnings: None
Summary: When Hermione seeks Luna's help for someone else, she gets more than she bargained for.
Disclaimers: None of it's mine; just playing around.
Notes: Happy Valentine's Day, [info]purple_chalk! And thanks to my beta, who knows who she is, and to the other two for looking it over.

The Mending of Things )
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