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Gift for anathema91: Slytherin Tarts (Harry/Draco, Blaise/Harry, Neville/Blaise) [Feb. 28th, 2009|09:03 am]
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Title: Slytherin Tarts
Author: [info]acromantular
Recipient: [info]anathema91
Rating: Adult
Word Count: ~4,000
Warnings: Epilogue-compliant, with blowjobs.
Summary: Dating a Slytherin isn't all it's cracked up to be. But holidays can be especially trying. Harry/Draco, bits of Blaise/Harry and Neville/Blaise; past Neville/Draco
Disclaimers: Anything you recognize is owned by JKR and her publishers; I'm just borrowing them for a bit.
Notes: Happy Valentine's Day, [info]anathema91! I tried to work in as much of your request as possible, though I'm not sure you expected quite as many of your pairing requests to show up! There is a good big of kissing, though. ♥ Thank you to my stalwart beta E, and to the mod for her almost-unending patience.

Slytherin Tarts )
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Gift for leni_jess: Released, Part 2 (Severus/Neville) [Feb. 27th, 2009|07:17 pm]
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Title: Released
Author: [info]florahart
Recipient: [info]leni_jess
Rating: marginally NC17
Words: 11,275
Warnings: none
Summary: Severus is good with being out of the way and alone after the war; however, after a visit from an old friend and an odd encounter with a former student, he finds maybe it's not the only possible way he wants to live.
Disclaimers: HP is not mine.

Part 1

Released, Part Two )
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Gift for leni_jess: Released, Part 1 (Severus/Neville) [Feb. 27th, 2009|06:41 pm]
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Title: Released
Author: [info]florahart
Recipient: [info]leni_jess
Rating: marginally NC17
Words: 11,275
Warnings: none
Summary: Severus is good with being out of the way and alone after the war; however, after a visit from an old friend and an odd encounter with a former student, he finds maybe it's not the only possible way he wants to live.
Disclaimers: HP is not mine.

Released, Part One )

Gift for nimrod_9: Journey's End (Snape/Lupin) [Feb. 25th, 2009|09:00 pm]
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Title Journey's End
Author [info]leni_jess
Recipient [info]nimrod_9
Rating NC17
Word Count ~6,450 words
Warnings None, but consider the implications of the summary and the rating
Summary Snape/Lupin. Remus Lupin has been trying to seduce Severus Snape for over twenty years. The long quest might be ending at last...
Disclaimer Characters and setting belong to JK Rowling and associated entities. This story is not written for profit.
Notes Thanks to my beta readers F and B, and to the mods for gracious patience, as well as for taking on this exchange at short notice.

Journey's End )
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Gift for mr_mercutio: Salvation by Slytherin (Thoedore/Blaise, Draco/Terry, Draco/Theodore) [Feb. 23rd, 2009|11:16 pm]
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Title: Salvation by Slytherin
Author: [info]slumber
Recipient: [info]mr_mercutio
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~8,700
Warnings: Nothing, really. Plot, probably, and a disappointing lack of darkness.
Summary: All Terry Boot wants to do is author a book and perhaps rewrite history as wizarding society remembers it, but the Slytherins just won't cooperate. When a civil war erupts and Terry's only chance of escape involves working with a poorly-acronymed rebel group and an army of questionable professionals to take down the largest magical empire in the world, is his potential bestseller really worth all the trouble? (Theodore/Blaise, Draco/Terry, shades of Draco/Theodore.)
Disclaimers: If I owned Harry Potter, it wouldn't be about Harry Potter. Made up facts and figures derived from actual facts and figures found in Wikipedia.
Notes: Much thanks and love to my beta-- you know who you are. And [info]mr_mercutio, where have you been all my life? I had a lot of fun writing for your request, though I know this may not be exactly what you had in mind. Happy Valentine's!

PS. JK Rowling has said in an interview that, in DH, Slughorn brought the Slytherins back out to fight in Hogwarts. What she failed to do was mention that in the book. I am taking it as canon, though, so in this fic, that's what happened.

Salvation by Slytherin )
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Gift for neversleeps: Still Down Here (George/Lee) [Feb. 23rd, 2009|03:49 pm]
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Title: Still Down Here
Author: [info]gryffindor_j
Recipient: [info]neversleeps
Rating: R
Word Count: ~2500
Warnings: None other than the rating indicates
Summary: George isn't himself since Fred died, and everyone knows it. Maybe with Lee around he can start to be himself again.
Disclaimers: I do not own any thing in this story nor do I make a profit.
Notes: [info]neversleeps I did my very best to give you angst and fit your request for "not a happy ending". I really hope I as able to do that for you. Thanks to my beta for her brilliance and hotness.

Still Down Here )
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Gift for slumber: Forgetting Mandy Brocklehurst (Blaise Zabini/Terry Boot) [Feb. 21st, 2009|03:52 pm]
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Title: Forgetting Mandy Brocklehurst
Author: [info]sparkysparky
Recipient: [info]slumber
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,400
Warnings: Lots of long, draw out, teasing sex. Little bit of plot. No resolved ending.
Summary: When Terry is left at the altar, he's pushed into going on his honeymoon alone. Except, Lisa has other ideas and is Unspeakable-y sneaky. And Blaise is a closet romantic. (Blaise/Terry; mentions of Terry/Mandy and Mandy/Stephen)
Disclaimers: These characters are not mine because they belong to JK Rowling. The situation is borrowed from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. And there was a lot of porn read in pursuit of inspiration.
Notes: MUCHAS GRACIAS to M. without whom this fic would never have gotten done. And to S. for general cheerleading. And to the fest mods for their patience as this fic grew and grew and spiralled out of control. [info]slumber I really, really hope you enjoy this. In conclusion: PORN!

Forgetting Mandy Brocklehurst )
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Gift for inell: Get Her Into Trouble (Hary/Ron/Hermione) [Feb. 20th, 2009|06:49 pm]
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Title: Get Her Into Trouble
Author: [info]certifieddork
Recipient: [info]inell
Rating: R
Word Count: 4,000
Warnings: Threesome, wanking, oral sex, arriving unceremoniously early. Nothing major.
Summary: Harry/Ron/Hermione. One word gets everyone in trouble.
Disclaimers: I own nothing, I profit from nothing, I'm just having fun.
Notes: Thank you to everyone who helped with this (to be thanked properly after reveals!) and a great big thank you to the fest mods in their infinite patience. The more I wrote, the more complex the story became, and what was planned as a 1500 word quickie eventually turned into … this. Not epic, by any standards, but more than I was looking for. [info]inell, I hope you know you were a joy to write for, even if I was slightly intimidated. I hope I've done these characters justice in your eyes.

Get Her Into Trouble )
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Gift for coffee_n_cocoa: The Cure For The Common Crush (Neville/Draco) [Feb. 18th, 2009|07:03 pm]
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Title: The Cure For The Common Crush
Author: [info]scarlet_malfoy
Recipient: [info]coffee_n_cocoa
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,800
Warnings: Top!Neville, Against-the-wall sex, not so vanilla bed sex, first time, hurt/comfort, UST, flangst, happy ending, frottage, RIMMING, kissing, stubble, plot, tender loving sex, and EWE.
Summary: Neville/Draco. Neville is the herbology professor at Hogwarts, and Draco is trying to open up his own potions business, but the Ministry keeps trying to pull the plug on him. He comes to Neville for help... and ends up getting that, plus a little more than he bargained for.
Disclaimers: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Thanks SO MUCH to K, my amazing beta, for doing this last minute and being absolutely the greatest! This was my first time writing a ship outside my own OTP, and it's been quite an experience! I've really enjoyed writing this story for you, [info]coffee_n_cocoa, and I hope that you enjoy it, too! (All the things included in the warning are all the prompts of yours that I managed to work in!) <3

The Cure For The Common Crush )
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Gift for midnight_birth: Punctuation (Oliver/Percy) [Feb. 17th, 2009|06:51 pm]
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Title: Punctuation
Author: [info]emiime
Recipient: [info]midnight_birth
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1276
Warnings: None
Summary: Oliver speaks in exclamation points and underlines
Disclaimers: Nothing you recognise belongs to me.
Notes: Thanks to M for assuring me that this does actually work outside my own brain.

Punctuation )
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Gift for chemical_haven: The Gingerbread House (Luna/Hermione) [Feb. 16th, 2009|06:44 pm]
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Title: The Gingerbread House
Author: Mystery Cupid
Gift For: [info]chemical_haven
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Luna/Hermione
Summary: Living within a fairytale wasn’t everything Hermione thought it would be... Hermione POV.
Warnings: Explicit femmeslash, biting, rough sex, light bondage, some slight dirty talk, dub-con. Heavily AU and not DH-compliant at all. EWE. Mentions of character deaths (not main).
Words: 1,271
Disclaimer: Don’t own these characters, not making any profit, etc.
Notes: Hope this is something along the lines of what you wanted, dear recipient! Many thanks to my beta, who wishes to remain anonymous.

The Gingerbread House )
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Gift for rosivan: Stirring Rods (Percy/Oliver) [Feb. 13th, 2009|05:49 pm]
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Title: Stirring Rods
Author: [info]nimrod_9
Recipient: [info]rosivan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count:1,538
Warnings: um, none
Summary: (including pairing) Percy/Oliver Percy screws up and tries to make things right.
Disclaimers: If I owned them I would have quit my day job!
Notes: Happy Valensmut, rosivan! Hope you enjoy! Thanks to our lovely mod for the beta and the fest!!

Stirring Rods )
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Gift for mariamme: Eight Times Sirius Threatened To Move Out (James/Remus, James/Sirius, J/R/S) [Feb. 12th, 2009|06:52 pm]
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Title: Eight Times Sirius Threatened To Move Out
Author: [info]gala_apples
Recipient: [info]mariamme
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 10 376
Pairing: vague insinuated James/Lily. James/Remus. James/Sirius. James/Remus/Sirius.
Warnings: AU, as Lily is out of the picture for no real reason. Also, Peter is potrayed as not-an-evil-arsehole, because they were friends with him for a long time, and you wouldn't be friends with someone obviously evil. Purposeful tense switching, realistic sex, more character development then smut. pg13 rated underage interaction.
Summary: Mariamme wanted 'a history of interactions that continue outside of Hogwarts'. Basically, a series of key moments in Sirius Black's life.
Disclaimers: the characters and anything else you recognise belong to JK Rowling.
Notes: timeline notes- Peter, James and Sirius discuss around April of year two, Remus doesn't tell them where he goes until December year three, they follow him January year three. He moves in with James in the summer of year six, and the Shrieking Shack incident happens in year seven.

From your kink list I tried for ust and awkward realistic sex, learning about each other, and one partner not really thinking of the relationship as dating. It's the longest fest fic I've ever written, at least five times longer, and I hope you love it!

Eight Times Sirius Threatened to Move Out )
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Gift for plotting_pen: A Series of Peculiar Mondays (Teddy/Draco, Harry/Draco) [Feb. 11th, 2009|06:06 pm]
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Title: A Series of Peculiar Mondays
Author: [info]purple_chalk
Recipient: [info]plotting_pen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7500 words
Pairings: Teddy/Draco, Harry/Draco
Warnings: Infidelity
Summary: In which Teddy Lupin works harder than he ever has in his life.
Disclaimers: The characters and world are JKR's property. I'm just playing.
Notes: This was a very interesting to write, and I enjoyed the opportunity to explore characters that I love, but don't write very often! It came out much longer (and later) than expected, but it was still definitely a pleasure to write for you, [info]plotting_pen! Many thanks to my beta, M, who was incredibly understanding and helpful.

A Series of Peculiar Mondays )
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Gift for sugareey: The Last Act of Desperation (Harry/Draco) [Feb. 10th, 2009|06:56 pm]
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Title: The Last Act of Desperation
Author: [info]mr_mercutio
Recipient: [info]sugareey
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Word Count: ~ 5,200
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: It is five hours until the end of the world, and Draco has decided to go in search of Harry Potter.
Warnings: Kinda sorta AU-ish from the end of the Battle of Hogwarts on
Author's Notes: Dear [info]sugareey, I had originally intended to write you something much smuttier with more of your kinks in it; plot ended up getting in the way. I hope nevertheless you still enjoy this. This was very heavily inspired by the film Last Night, so please forgive the similarities between the fic and the film. They are intended as an homage.

The Last Act of Desperation )
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Gift for emiime: Pierce the Veil (Sirius/Percy) [Feb. 9th, 2009|06:53 pm]
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Title: Pierce the Veil
Author: [info]midnight_birth
Recipient: [info]emiime
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,857
Warnings: Slight mental instability, some violence, scenes of explicit sexual nature, some harsh language, EWE.
Disclaimers: I don't own, obviously.
Summary: Sirius/Percy. When Sirius Black falls out of the Veil that had once claimed his life, seemingly having fought his way out, the Unspeakables are at a loss for an explanation. Kingsley convinces Harry to allow Percy, first assistant to the Minister, to become his part-time caretaker instead of a faceless Unspeakable in order to monitor his progress and perhaps gain further understanding of the world behind the Veil. But as Percy spends more time with the now slightly unbalanced and violent man he'd only heard horror stories about during his childhood, he slowly realizes that he may have signed up for much more than he bargained for.
Notes: Well, this idea really ran away with me, as you can probably tell by the word-count. The bunny was born the moment I saw your request. I haven't had this much fun writing something in a long time, and I'm quite fond of the result. Thank you for the amazing prompts you gave me to work with, and I really hope you enjoy it! ♥ An enormous thanks to [info]wook77, the mod, who had faith in me and let me participate in this exchange this year even though I had issues last year! Thank you for running this exchange!

Pierce the Veil )
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Gift for dark_branwen: Invisible to the Gods (Albus Severus/Scorpius) [Feb. 8th, 2009|07:47 pm]
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Title: Invisible to the Gods
Author: [info]anathema91
Recipient: [info]dark_branwen
Rating: R
Word Count: 6850
Warnings: angsty and kind of dark, definitely no happy endings to be found here, POV switches between the 2 main characters, boysex (obvs), violence (implied)
Summary: Albus Severus/Scorpius – As he enters adulthood, Scorpius learns that some things can never be undone, and others can change in an instant.
Disclaimers: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Happy smutty Valentine, [info]dark_branwen! I hope you like it! Huge thanks go to my fabulous beta who not only worked her usual magic, but also gets full credit for the title, which comes from the Iban Proverb: "A man without tattoos is invisible to the Gods."

Big thanks also go to [info]wook77 for working so hard to make this Valentine properly smutty for all of us.

Invisible to the Gods )
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Gift for purple_chalk: The Mending of Things (Hermione/Luna) [Feb. 6th, 2009|06:02 pm]
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Title: The Mending Of Things
Author: [info]heather11483
Recipient: [info]purple_chalk
Rating: R
Word Count: 5467
Warnings: None
Summary: When Hermione seeks Luna's help for someone else, she gets more than she bargained for.
Disclaimers: None of it's mine; just playing around.
Notes: Happy Valentine's Day, [info]purple_chalk! And thanks to my beta, who knows who she is, and to the other two for looking it over.

The Mending of Things )
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Gift for sparkysparky: Good Clean Fun (Harry/Neville) [Feb. 5th, 2009|06:52 pm]
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Title: Good Clean Fun
Author: [info]coffee_n_cocoa
Recipient: [info]sparkysparky
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2700
Warnings: Frottage, shower sex
Summary: Nothing beats a hot shower after the end of a long day. (Harry/Neville)
Disclaimers: It all belongs to JKR. I’m only borrowing.
Notes: I tried to include some plot, but the boys heard ‘shower’ and wanted to get straight to it. So, I let them. I hope you enjoy!

Good Clean Fun )
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Gift for gala_apples: Seamus Finnigan: Gryffinwhore (Seamus/Harry/Ron) [Feb. 5th, 2009|06:44 pm]
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Mod note: My apologies for forgetting to post this on our IJ!

Title: Seamus Finnigan: Gryffinwhore
Author: [info]dark_branwen
Recipient: [info]gala_apples
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Seamus/Harry/Ron
Word Count: 3,443
Warnings: Threesome, mild bondage, fellatio, dub-con, slutty!Seamus, sub!Ron
Summary: Seamus Finnigan was a horny bastard, which is why he felt the need to join in when he found Harry and Ron up to some very sexual shenanigans.
Disclaimers: Harry Potter belongs to JKR and a bunch of companies. If it were really mine, it would not be for children, if you know what I'm saying. All characters are of the legal age in Britain (16+).
Notes: Happy Valensmut, [info]gala_apples! This was my first time writing Seamus and my first male threesome, so I hope you enjoy. Your requests were definitely fun to work in there. Also thanks to my beta. I know this isn't your cup of tea, which makes me really appreciate all the work you put in the editing. <3 This fic was written to the tune of "The Magic Position" by Patrick Wolf.

Seamus Finnigan: Gryffinwhore )
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