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Gift for florahart: Complimentary Colors (Charlie/Teddy) [Feb. 26th, 2009|08:28 pm]
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Title: Complimentary Colors
Artist: [info]chibitoaster
Recipient: [info]florahart
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Charlie/Teddy
Medium: Watercolor
Warnings: none, unless you count Gay sex.
Disclaimer: This is my interpretation of characters that I do not own. I'm not making any money off of this endeavor, and it's done for the one reason: to make someone feel good!
Notes: This one was a quickie in a pinch. So, I figured I'd have the boys get down for a Quickie in a Pinch. Yeah, they're older. I thought you might like them closer to your age. ^_^ Enjoy, sweetie!

Complimentary Colors )
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