Apr. 5th, 2008


ART: Percy Weasley, King of Magepunk (PG)

Title: Percy Weasley, King of Magepunk
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: PG
Characters: Tonks/Ginny, Luna/Percy, various OCs
Summary: Waiting in the queue for the club, Percy decides that maybe Luna's idea isn't so entirely daft after all...
Warnings: none
Medium: Photoshop
Notes: If I didn't think my viewers and I would go blind, I'd try to make some of the clothes change color through animation. But I'm just not that ambitious. Notes on Magepunk subcultures (I included at least one of each!) are in my Insanejournal over here. Fic to follow.

(link to the very large image in my journal.)

Dec. 11th, 2007


Pansy/Ginny Fanart (Hard R)

Title: ‘You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?’
Pairing: Ginny/Pansy in Paris
Medium: Colored Pencils, graphite, 2B, 6B pencils. Edited with Open Canvas.
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: femmeslash, nudity, unusual way to ‘utilize’ a wand...
Comments: Ah, Anyone recognize the title?

Royale Cheese @ my ArtWorkJournal [info]sweet_art

Oct. 26th, 2007


HP Tarot Key 15: The Devil

Title: Key 15: The Devil
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Ginny Weasley finds temptation and horror in the diary of Tom Riddle. This card represents addiction, materialism, and misdirected energy.

to the image

Aug. 16th, 2007


Oldie but Goodie Post-a-thon: Ginny/Hermione from 2005

Title: Rubber Ducky
Artist(s): [info]la_fono
Rating: PG-13 for boobs and ogling ;P
Characters/Pairings Ginny/Hermione
Media: Pen, a little photoshop extra shading
Notes/Comments: My first piece of shippy art! I still like Ginny's shoulders.

In the bathroom )