Thu, Sep. 20th, 2007, 12:57 pm
[info]pinkelephant42: Jealousy (Pinkelephant42)

Title: Jealousy
Author: Pinkelephant42
Rating: R
Pairings: Bella/Narcissa, Bella/Lucius
Warning: Sex

Tue, Sep. 4th, 2007, 01:33 am
[info]thepinkrabbit: Challenge drabble: Peace

Title: Peace
Author: </a></strong></a>[info]thepinkrabbit
Characters: Draco/Lucius
Rating: Adult
Warnings: incest
Word Count: 100
Summary: Pride is when...
Author's notes: written for the September challenge of </a></strong></a>[info]hpcest

p e a c e )

Mon, Sep. 3rd, 2007, 01:11 pm
[info]pinkelephant42: Monthly Challenge

The themes for this month are:
Power, Pride, Penance.

Use any or all of them, but remember to tag your entries with the month and year (09/2007). Art, fic, drabbles, icons, any sort of fanwork is acceptable as long as it fulfills the challenge.