Friday, December 19th, 2008

Fic: Other Realms (Sirius/James, et al., NC-17) for la_dissonance

Author: [info]mindabbles
Recipient: [info]la_dissonance
Title: Other Realms
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): James Potter/Sirius Black, Minerva McGonagall/Pomona Sprout, Madam Rosmerta/Dorcas Meadowes, Severus Snape/Regulus Black
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters engaging in sexual activity are 16 years or older.
Summary: Sometimes a little help is all you need to find the reason to go after what you really want.
Warnings: All manner of sex—m/m and f/f, including some light bondage.
Word Count: ~11,000
Author's Notes: This is for [info]la_dissonance who suggested so many intriguing pairings and situations that I couldn't pick just one. So, we have a bit of teasing, bondage, and orgasm withholding and also some lovemaking and fluffy, sleepy sex. I suppose if you squint, very hard, the entire premise is your dubcon kink, although you'll have to squint very hard. The Deities mentioned in the story are: Oenghus, the Scottish/Celtic version of cupid; Cliodna, the goddess of beauty and of other worlds; and Creide, the goddess who watches over women and helpful faeries (depending upon which sources you check, there are other stories associated with these names).

Many thanks to E and L, fabulous betas. Also to the mods for their great work on this fest.

Happy holidays, la_dissonance! )

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Monday, December 15th, 2008

Fic: Yes, Professor (Hermione/McGonagall, NC-17) for the community

Author: [info]_geektanic
Recipient: The community
Title: Yes, Professor
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Hermione/McGonagall
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters engaging in sexual activity are 16 years or older.
Summary: PWP. Minerva and Hermione spend time in the Room of Requirement.
Warnings: Cross-gen, slight age play.
Word Count: 1347
Author's Notes: This is my first thing remotely like this...hope you like it!

Happy holidays, everyone! )
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Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Fic: Beyond layers (Minerva/Poppy, R) for mindabbles

Author: [info]redsnake05
Recipient: [info]mindabbles
Title: Behind layers
Rating: R
Pairing: Minerva/Poppy
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters engaging in sexual activity are 16 years or older.
Summary: In a world where witches are barred from working in the war against Grindelwald, Minerva and Poppy carve out a life for themselves in the Muggle war effort. The compromises are hard, and Minerva finds herself tucked away behind doors and blackout curtains, and even the lipstick that sits heavy and waxy on her mouth weighs her down with secrets. In some things, though, there are no compromises, no hiding, no layers to bar you from view.
Warnings: Witches not allowed to work in the wizarding war against Grindelwald, OFC present in plot
Word Count: 3100
Author's Notes: mindabbles, I was just in the mood to write Minerva fic, so thanks for giving me this opportunity. I hope you enjoy this fic. I am intrigued by the possibilities for Minerva's youth, and can imagine her as brave and idealistic and wanting to do something, anything, to feel useful. Poppy is her companion in all this, and I hope I captured sweetness and tenderness and hotness for you. Many thanks to T, my fantastic beta reader. She helped a lot with the niggly little things, and helped make this fic much better than it was before. All remaining mistakes are mine.

Happy holidays, mindabbles! )
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