HP Wankfest 2011


May 23rd, 2008

wanking_mods @ 12:01 am: Teddy Lupin in a Hidden Passageway with the Marauders' Map
Title: Cured
Author: [info]negativecosine
Character: Teddy Lupin
Location: hidden passageway
Object: Marauder's Map
Other Characters: Harry, Neville
Rating: R
Warnings: Underage
Word Count: 1165
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making money, not condoning anything illegal.
Author's Notes: Slightly ridiculous. Thanks to beta K; any remaining mistakes are mine.

Cured )

wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: Severus Snape on the Astronomy Tower with a Quick Quotes Quill
Title: Quick-Quotes Clichés
Author: [info]centaury_squill
Character: Severus Snape
Location: Astronomy Tower
Object: Quick-Quotes Quill
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Implied bestiality fantasy involving 15 year old Harry.
Word Count: 1,060
Author's Notes: Snape spies on a Care of Magical Creatures lesson from the top of the Astronomy Tower. The Quick-Quotes Quill provides a running commentary... and more...
Thanks to G for the beta (when he stopped laughing). Any remaining mistakes are my own.

Quick-Quotes Clichés )

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