HP Wankfest 2011


May 15th, 2008

wanking_mods @ 12:00 am: Lily Evans at Hogwarts' Lake with a Magical Boat
Title: Lily of the Lake
Artist: [info]venturous
Character: Lily Evans
Location: the Lake
Object: Magickal boat
Other Characters: James Potter and Severus, hiding
Rating: R
Warnings: Nipples, ecstatic, aroused naked woman
Art Details: oil on canvas
Artist's Notes: I thoroughly enjoyed making this picture, and I am delighted that Flic wanted to write a ficlet to go with it.

Lily of the Lake (NWS art!) )

Title: Lily of the Lake
Author: [info]fbowden (FelicityBowden)
Character: Lily Evans
Location: the Lake
Object: Magical boat
Other Characters: James Potter and Severus, hiding
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: wanking!
Word Count: 1500
Author's Notes: believe me, Ven the pleasure is all mine!

Lily of the Lake )

wanking_mods @ 12:00 pm: Harry Potter at 4 Privet Drive with Snape's Buttons
Title: Buttons
Author: [info]eriador117
Character: Harry Potter
Location: 4, Privet Drive
Object: Snape's Buttons
Other Characters: Severus Snape (fantasy)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Masturbation, under 18, object penetration
Word Count: 1,570
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns the Potterverse, I just play in it from time to time.
Author's Notes: Beta'd by Rakina, thanks so much :)

Buttons )

wanking_mods @ 04:43 pm: Charlie Weasley at Hagrid's Hut with a Pumpkin
Title: Smashing Pumpkins
Author: [info]ragdoll
Character: Charlie Weasley
Location: Hagrid's Hut
Object: Pumpkin (a slutty, desperate-for-it-pumpkin)
Other Characters: Bill Weasley and another pumpkin (wankers both), plus Hagrid and McGonagall (neither of whom are wankers, thank goodness!)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Molestation of unsuspecting Cucurbita maxima, not-quite-Weasleycest, underage Charlie and Bill (15 and 17 respectively), wanking, self-lovin', tossing off, having one off at the wrist, chicken choking, meat beating, monkey spanking, percy punishing, pud pulling, turkey tossing, wand polishing, etc.
Word Count: 3300
Disclaimer: No gourds were harmed in the making of this fic.
Author's Notes: Thanks to my usual suspects for all their help, mad beta skillz, and the fantastic [info]hp_wankfest mods for letting us prove what wankers all the HP characters really are.

Smashing Pumpkins )

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