Oct. 29th, 2009


(Re)Mixed Up Challenge: White Shades, Black Morning (Snape/Lupin, PG-13)

Title: White Shades, Black Morning (the In-Between Place Remix)
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Established pairing: Remus/James/Sirius
Infidelity pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Word Count: ~750
Warnings: Infidelity, but you might also view it as simply non-exclusivity, depending on your goggles.
Summary: You get him in the shadowed times, those precious, hidden hours between dawn and eternity when the castle sleeps, or the Quidditch pitch roars, or the sweet, gummy stains of Honeydukes drip from fingers too far away to care where he is.
Notes: Written for the All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge, this is a remix of [info]purple_chalk's enchanting fic, five shades of white. It will help an awful lot to read that before this one; it won't take you long. :) I turned it around to Snape's POV and made it more overtly an infidelity ficlet (as per the challenge).

White Shades, Black Morning (the In-Between Place Remix)

Aug. 20th, 2008


Fic - Just This Once (Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, PG-13)

Title: Just This Once
Author: [info]kerrisokol
Established pairing(s): Remus/Tonks (briefly mentioned)
Infidelity pairing(s): Remus/Severus
Rating: Strong PG-13
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 100
Warnings: AU/not entirely canon-compliant, and of course, infidelity. (Remus is engaged to Tonks)
Summary: Even though Severus knows it's wrong, the only thing he can do is surrender to it.
Notes: This is AU-ish sometime after Order of the Phoenix. Written for prompts at [info]lupin100 and [info]snupin100 . The comm rules didn't forbid drabbles, and it does have to do with someone being unfaithful, so I'm posting a link here :)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and its characters are the property of JK Rowling. No copyright infringement is intended.

Just This Once

Jun. 5th, 2008


FICLET: Taken, Not Granted (Snape/Lupin)

Title: Taken, Not Granted
Author: Mechaieh
Established pairing(s): Lupin/Tonks
Infidelity pairing(s): Snape/Lupin
Rating: R
Genre: angst
Word Count/Art Media: ~1600
Warnings: none
Summary: It was not the epiphany Snape had been looking for.
Notes: Originally posted 6 January 2007 as a birthday present to [info]regan_v. Beta'd by [info]busaikko.

Also, I'm amused that the IJ marquee happened to say "Will you marry me?" when I clicked to join this comm. On to the story...

Taken, Not Granted

He had never mattered enough to anybody to be their one and only love... )


FIC: Cheat (Snape/Lupin, NC-17)

Title: Cheat
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Established pairing: Remus/Sirius
Infidelity pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, tragedy
Word Count: ~10,000
Warnings: Canon character death
Summary: Remus knows Sirius is still trying to recover, but it's hard not to want. Especially when someone else is offering.
Notes: Inaugural [info]hp_unfaithful re-post! ;) I wrote this back in early 2005, so, before HBP. Thanks to a million beta readers on it, it's still one of the stories I'm most proud of in this fandom.

( Cheat )

November 2012




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