Oct. 30th, 2009


All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge - Master List!

Hi everyone! Remix fics were due to be posted today--thanks to everyone for playing! Below the cut is our master list, which we'll update as additional remix challenge fics are posted. Don't forget, authors tend to appreciate feedback if you enjoyed their work! :D

Read more... )

Oct. 29th, 2009


(Re)Mixed Up Challenge: White Shades, Black Morning (Snape/Lupin, PG-13)

Title: White Shades, Black Morning (the In-Between Place Remix)
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Established pairing: Remus/James/Sirius
Infidelity pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Word Count: ~750
Warnings: Infidelity, but you might also view it as simply non-exclusivity, depending on your goggles.
Summary: You get him in the shadowed times, those precious, hidden hours between dawn and eternity when the castle sleeps, or the Quidditch pitch roars, or the sweet, gummy stains of Honeydukes drip from fingers too far away to care where he is.
Notes: Written for the All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge, this is a remix of [info]purple_chalk's enchanting fic, five shades of white. It will help an awful lot to read that before this one; it won't take you long. :) I turned it around to Snape's POV and made it more overtly an infidelity ficlet (as per the challenge).

White Shades, Black Morning (the In-Between Place Remix)

Oct. 23rd, 2009


All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge: extended!

Well, folks, today is technically the deadline for our All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge. We have at least one entry posted, yay! Alas, several of us (including your mods) are not quite done with our remixes.

So, we're going to extend the deadline until Friday, October 30.

One more week to finish and post your infidelity-themed remix! Remember, it can be as short as a drabble, or as long as you want. Let's get remixing, and get some more infidelity fic out there next week!

Let us know if you have any questions.

Oct. 6th, 2009


All Re-Mixed Up Challenge Entry: Poem-- Stolen Moments (This Whirlwind) (Hermione/Draco)

Title: Stolen Moments (This Whirlwind) (Hermione/Draco)
Author: [info]dead_sexydexy
Summary Was lame and a better one will be put here before posting.
Established Pairings Draco/Astoria, Hermione/Ron
Infidelity Pairing Hermione/Draco
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst-ish Shakespearian Sonnet
Warnings: infidelity
Notes: Draco's POV
Original Story: This Whirlwind by [info]nightfalltwen

Stolen Moments

Sep. 8th, 2009


All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge -- now underway!

Okay! Sign-ups are now closed for the All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge. The following is a list of our participants:

[info]woldy (sort of) ;)

Go back and have a look at the sign-up post, if you haven't already been following it, and do what you need to do to choose the story you want to remix! Remember, you can only choose from the links at that post. You can read through a few of them (or all of them!), or go by pairings that interest you, or whatever other system you'd like to use.

You don't need to officially pick a fic (ie: you don't need to respond to any comments to 'claim' one); keep it a surprise if you'd like! If you do want to ask questions of the original author, though, feel free to do that.

Remember that the full list of rules are also at the sign-up & link post. Post your Remix here at the community before October 23 (be sure it features infidelity in some way, and be sure to credit the original author!)

And last but not least: have fun!

(And watchers: look for some great Remixes to be posted in the next 6 weeks. Be sure to give our Remix authors some feedback if you read something you like.) :)

Aug. 31st, 2009


Last day to (Re)Mix it up!

Just a reminder that sign-ups for the All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge officially end tonight!

Check out the sign up post for the full rules, but remember, the stories or art you offer up for remixing don't have to be about infidelity already -- but the Remix of them does! How you approach that is up to you. If you're not one for NC-17 scenes, we like genfic or art just fine, too, as long as there is still some form of an infidelity theme present.

Artists, we'd especially love to see you!

And if you've been thinking of signing up with links to your stories/art but aren't sure you'll have time to submit your own remix, we're relaxing the give-and-take rule a little bit. To expand the pool of links available for remixing by our intrepid participants, go ahead and leave us links to any of your work you'd like to see remixed (two maximum!)

Submissions will be due October 23, remember.

Questions? Ask away! And then go sign up!

(Links go to our LJ comm, so you can see other folks' sign-ups, but if you'd rather sign up at IJ, see this post!

Aug. 16th, 2009


All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge - Sign Ups!

Hi ya'll! It's been a little while since our Fabulous No-Pressure Laissez Faire Challenge and we're kicking off a new one! Announcing --

The All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge!

Like last time, this'll be an easy-going good time—but instead of submitting prompts, you'll submit UP TO TWO of your fics/art for someone else to REMIX!

Wait, what's a remix?
Check out the Remix Redux FAQ for more info. Basically, someone else will re-create your work by taking a different point of view, using a different chronology, etc. We here at hp_unfaithful think that infidelity stories make a great genre for remixing – to get either another character's POV on the issue, or to see the affair from a slightly different angle.

Cool! How do I sign-up?
Just fill out the template below in a comment to this post to sign up.

Once you've linked your own stories/art, return to this post over the next week or so and choose someone else's fic or art that you'd like to remix. You can reply to their comment if you want (ie: if you want to chat about the remix), but you don't have to! You can keep your choice a secret if you'd rather, until you finish and post the remix.

When is the deadline?
The due date for posting your remixes is October 23, but you can post sooner than that if you like. In fact, the sooner, the better! If you post early, your remix might just get more attention than if it's in a glut of last-minutes posts on the day of the deadline. ;)

We don't have too many rules and notes of caution, but here they are:

1. If you sign up and post a remix, there's NO guarantee that someone will pick and remix one of your works. This isn't meant to be a gift exchange. Similarly, the works you make available for remixing might be remixed by multiple authors/artists.

2. If you sign up and make your work available for remixing, we assume you'll be posting a remix of someone else's work. No one's going to beat down your door if you don't, but you want to see more infidelity-themed work out there, right? Also, it'd be really, REALLY terrific if you could help us keep things balanced in this challenge.

3. The only requirement for remixes is that the central theme be infidelity; there are no other format or content-related restrictions (e.g., regarding slash/het/gen). So for example, if your original work features Harry/Ginny and no infidelity, keep in mind the remix of your fic could involve Harry cheating on Ginny with Draco. Similarly, if you're an author, the remix of your fic might be art, and vice versa.

4. Remixers may only remix works explicitly made available for remixing by the original author/artist. This is pretty basic—DO NOT remix something unless that work is specifically referenced in a sign-up post below.

Sign-Up Template – example: (please include links and make sure the fics/art are unlocked!)

Sign-ups will close on August 31. After that, no new links will be accepted, but participants can continue to peruse the links and remix however many stories/art they wish before the deadline of October 23.

Credit to [info]musesfool and her Remix Redux fest for the concept. If you want more background on remixing, again, take a look at the Remix Redux FAQs here. Let us know if you have any questions! And have fun!

November 2012




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