Harry Potter Traditions Fest

May 3rd, 2009

Happy traditions, nikkilicious377! @ 08:24 am


Title: Spontaneous Desires
Author: ???
Gift For: [info]nikkilicious377
Pairing(s): Draco/Hermione, side-pairing Harry/Pansy
Summary: There was a reason why Hermione preferred to think everything through before acting. Spontaneity just gets you into all kinds of trouble. Same goes for Slytherins.
Rating: R
Warnings: Just a bit of smut, is all. Post-DH, EWE
Author's notes: Nikki, I loved working on your prompt even though it was driving me crazy at times. :) I hope you enjoy reading the story.
Thanks go to my awesome beta for her excellent suggestions.

Mod note: You can also read this story on Livejournal. And as always, please leave lots of comments for the lovely writers!

Spontaneous Desires )

Harry Potter Traditions Fest