Harry Potter Traditions Fest

May 14th, 2009

Happy traditions, silveredaccents! @ 11:54 am


Title: Uncharmable Women
Author: ???
Gift For: [info]silveredaccents
Pairing(s): Draco/Ginny, with past Lucius/Molly, Lucius/Narcissa, and Arthur/Molly
Summary: Draco needs to restore the Malfoy name, so Lucius send his future in an enexpected direction.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~3600
Warnings: EWE (Epilogue, What Epilogue?), language.
Author's notes: [info]silveredaccents asked for traditions of pureblood life, strong generational influences, and showing the different sides of things, the grey areas. I hope I haven't disappointed!

Mod note: You can also read this story on Livejournal. Please leave feedback for our talented authors!

Uncharmable Women )

Harry Potter Traditions Fest