Harry Potter RPG Ads
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December 14th, 2011


[No Subject]

CAMPAIGNING is a Post-Hogwarts epilogue compliant Harry Potter roleplaying game set in 2003 with a special focus on the long term effects and impacts of the war and the ongoing changes that Voldemort’s defeat has prompted in the Wizarding World.





[No Subject]


What if someone could take out Voldemort before he got too powerful? What if things in the Wizarding World happened totally differently because someone changed it all? Someone who was completely shattered because of all of the deaths that occurred over the years -- thanks to The Dark Lord and his followers. Losing someone close to you can make you do things without thinking.

Amos Diggory, who was in the process of cleaning out Fudge’s old office, found something very interesting in a closet. A small gold and silver box. A locked box that could not be opened by simple unlocking spells. Intrigued, Amos took the box home. After weeks of working on its magic he was finally able to open it. His heart stopped briefly as he pulled out the shiny gold object that was locked away inside. A Time Turner. There was one left.

Sitting and contemplating for only a matter of minutes Amos used that Time Turner to go back to the year 1980. He sought out Regulus Black and convinced him that he needed to end Voldemort’s reign before he got too out of control. He told Regulus how much of an impact Voldemort was going to make, and about how many people were going to die; including Sirius and Regulus himself. He also told Regulus that Voldemort was a halfblood and that his father had been a Muggle. After a lot of convincing, Regulus agreed that the Dark Lord needed to be stopped.

Regulus confided in Sirius and together they were joined by Frank and Alice Longbottom, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Dorcas Meadowes, James and Lily Potter, and Hagrid. They searched out the Horcruxes and destroyed them. There was a face-off between Voldemort and Dumbledore and Dumbledore was successful. Voldemort was now dead before he could kill James and Lily and before he could scar Harry and transfer his powers to him. Dorcas and Marlene were never killed, The Longbottoms never tortured, and all who died in the Hogwarts battle were now alive, well, and living their lives out.

Satisfied with what he had done, Amos returned home and destroyed the Time Turner. As he walked into the family room his heart skipped a wonderful beat. In the armchair playing with a quaffle sat his son Cedric, alive and well as ever. Amos rushed to him and embraced him. He thought everything was going to be perfect… but it wasn’t. Things had changed. After being back for less than an hour Amos had learned he had lost his wife several years ago in an accident that never would have happened had he left things alone. He also learned he was now the Minister of Magic! How in bloody hell did that happen? He was going to learn several more things had changed over the years as well. It was going to take him a while to get used to things.

The few followers Voldemort had were devastated to see their Master gone, but word spread quickly among that circle about Voldemort’s true parentage. They faded into the shadows, resumed normal life, and time went on. One supporter however, took this news with a different approach. He used Voldemort’s defeat to his advantage. He used his defeat to make himself more powerful. He’s been acquiring supporters over the years, and has been meticulously planning the time when he can take the Wizarding World by storm with these supporters. If you thought Voldemort was bad, you’ll think Weiland Mulciber is worse. Things are about to get crazy.

It's 1999 - it's your call what happens next.

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