Harry Potter RPG Ads
The community rules were borrowed (and modified) with permission from [info]find_a_game

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June 3rd, 2008


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1978.The Marauders have just left school but things haven't gone the way we've come to know. Peter Pettigrew went to the Death Eaters and began to feed them information. However, when it came time to prove his loyalty, Peter was unable to complete his task. This resulted in his immediate elimination. His body was found the next morning in the village of Hogsmeade, brutally disfigured. The Order and the Marauders were devastated by the loss of one of their own. It was war though, and thus, they carried on, not knowing the disturbing truth that was their friend's life. Enraged by the loss of valuable information, Voldemort is now more determined than ever to bring the Wizarding World to its knees.

Game Opens June 1st

Characters wanted: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrage, and many more!

[No Subject]


A Harry Potter Role Play Game

version 2.0

rules plot characters pbs application friends button contact list

Opening June 7th

Now accepting applications!

[No Subject]

Hi all!

I play [info]cat_eyes (Emma Dobbs) over at [info]chariots (You can get to the game thru [info]firebolt_mod), as well as three other characters. I'm NOT the mod for the game, but she's a supa cool girl, too.

Outside of the normal pups we're looking for (Harry, etc.), I'm looking for more Bats, more Magpies, the rest of the Wasps, and our remaining Quidditch Digest reporter.

On a different note, Emma needs a girlfriend. Or, at least, an off-again/on-again girl Friday? For some weirdness, awkwardness, cuteness and other fun stuff?

Leave me a comment here or go check the game out!

[No Subject]


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Death; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all vital functions of an organism. Each and every life ends as such, with one final breath but what if you could take that back? Take back that last breath, breathe life into someone long since past.. in the year 2023, it's not all that far fetched. From out of the Department of Mysteries finally came the veil. It was due for inspection as many odd things had been happening in the room containing it. It was thought that the removal of said object wouldn't upset much but it did. The very same day that the ancient object left the place it had resided for hundreds of years people began popping up. Normally, that wouldn't be a particularly terrible thing but the people whose faces started appearing at both the Ministry and Hogwarts were known to be dead. Apparently, the dead were returning.

With death in a reverse cycle, the Ministry is in a panic. No one knows why they're here, how they've come to be, and what this means for their world. The dead and the living have always had a rather thick line between them and with people stepping over - with souls becoming flesh and blood once mnore - who's to say what will happen?

MOST WANTED! James Potter Sr., Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Potter Jr, Albus Potter, Hugo Weasley, Weasleys in general!, Students/Alumni!, AND MORE RISEN!