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May 11th, 2008


[No Subject]


Things are tense at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Rumors of Voldemort's return are being whispered amongst the students, voices hushed and nervous as the latest bit of information makes the rounds. Fear has settled heavily on many shoulders, quickly bringing uncertainty and mistrust to an already divided school. Who belongs to which side? Are there spies amongst the students? What will happen next, who will die next? Can anything be done?

The school may be safe from the outside wizarding world, but are the students safe from each other? The generations-long battle between the houses hasn't gotten better, and current tensions have done nothing but elevate the rivalries to a new level. To make matters worse, an anonymous group of four girls have stepped things up, creating a vicious gossip paper that periodically and sporadically details information about their fellow students. Details that only close friends would know. Details that no one is ever happy about having shared with the entire student body.

It's called Bavardage. No one knows who publishes it, or how information is gathered for it. The only certain thing about it is that it is another source of trouble and uncertainty. With the teachers seemingly unable to stop new issues from going out and the issues getting progressively nastier and revealing more secrets, the last, thin threads of trust amongst the houses are fraying quickly. Friendships are being challenged and broken, and new, dangerous liaisons are being built.

The general consensus is that the girls must be stopped: but how? The purebloods are getting snobbier every year, the halfbloods are losing recognition for their minds and intellect and the muggleborns are treated as welfare cases on scholarship from the British Prime Minister. The whole student body is stuck in a downward spiral, trapped by an endless ring of rumors and lies. Libel and slander are not punishable, but instead encouraged. There's nothing more important than bringing down anyone suspected of being responsible for Bavardage. People are getting hurt, and not just by the paper. With no one able to trust anyone else and constant fights breaking out, the search for the guilty is getting nowhere extremely fast.

There's war brewing, and not just outside of Hogwarts. Somewhere within the castle that is supposed to be one of the few safe refuges left in the wizarding world, four girls are playing a dangerous game with their fellow students. Will the school collapse onto itself, or will the youth of the wizarding world be able to band together and overcome the fear, distrust, and rivalries that are threatening to tear Hogwarts apart?

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[No Subject]


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game rules | timeline of events | magical law

What's the price of freedom?

In 2003, Voldemort and his forces won the war against England. England was the last in a series of countries to fall to the Dark Lord, its populace overwhelmed by swift and furious attack. However, the victory won, while brutal, was not expected by the Light. Those of pure blood and willing to swear allegiance were able to resume lives close to normal. It was only the ones who continued to fight who suffered the brunt of his will as society began to shift towards a police state, with the Death Eaters at its helm.

But the loss of freedom was worth it to many, who thought it was a fair trade for the security that it brought. In 2008, as muggles are beginning to be eliminated through sterilization, reeducation and manipulation, there are many who remain unaware or who deliberately choose to ignore the world being constructed around them.

But there are those who cannot.

A small group of Resistance fighters has formed. Led by those who managed to evade capture or escape the wizarding prison of Azkaban, this group fights a slow war amongst the people of London, trying to build support against a government that has sworn itself a threat to all who oppose it. The Aurors have changed into a force to battle what the Dark Lord considers dissent, striking at the few individuals it can find.

Which side will you fight for?

À Armes Égales is an AU, post-war Harry Potter roleplay set in 2008; it is Deathly Hallows non-compliant. This game will focus on dark material, and is not suitable for underage players. À Armes Égales is set to open on May 24, 2008.