Harry Potter RPG Ads
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January 10th, 2008


[No Subject]


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Asphodel: Powdered root of asphodel is used in the Draught of Living Death. This plant is traditionally associated with the afterlife and the underworld.

We are living in a world of uncertainty now. Before, the only worries we truly had were whether or not we would pass our examinations or if the marauders were the ones responsible for turning everyone's hair a nice shade of lilac. But times are changing and things are getting darker out in the real world. A growing army is fast approaching; friends and family members are disappearing more often and there are a growing number of events happening that can no longer be explained easily. All done by he who dare calls himself Lord.

Asphodel is a game focused almost entirely on the war of the late 1970s that threw the entire wizarding world into chaos. With darkening themes and realistic events, it won't be for those who are faint at heart and can't bear to sit back and watch our most beloved characters thrown into the lion's den.

Wanted Characters: Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Giden and Fabian Prewett, Alice and Frank Longbottom, Molly and Arthur Weasley...basically, all characters are up for grabs!

[No Subject]

Heirs of Black RPG


PremiseThe RulesCharacter ListPlay By'sApplication

So, we all know the story...

The "Boy Who Lived" defeated the Dark Lord as an infant.. and many other times over the years. But it was not until the Boy’s fifth year at Hogwarts and the terrible turn of events at in the Department of Mysteries did the Ministry of Magic finally acknowledge the return of the largely feared Dark Lord, Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort.

After the tragic events of Harry’s fifth year, his sixth year proved not to be much better of an end. Dumbledore lay dead with Sirius and the others now, and Dumbledore was the last line of real help Harry had. The important thing Harry knew was following out Dumbledore's dying mission: to find and destroy those Horcruxes.

Little did Harry know that the secret lie in a child-- another child in his year. This child is the only heir of the man with the initials R.A.B. The man that Harry came to wonder about time and time again. No one knew about this little secret-- this child-- not even R.A.B. himself. He was killed one month before the mystery child had been born.

On the night of July 31st, 1997, a prediction was made by everyone’s favourite Hogwarts Divination Professor, Sybil Trelawney...

"It is now in our darkest hour
That our savior will need the most help
But he will not find that help in friends
In another heir he will find his help
The secrets lie in a girl"

Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger were all whisked back immediately, having only left hours before for Godric’s Hollow (the place Harry now called home) to be informed of this, and if they could think of anyone it could be.. but there were too many options. It could have been anyone within a year or two radius of Harry’s own age! Due to the fact that the circumstances had changed drastically, the trio was forced, reluctantly, to return to Hogwarts for their 7th year.

And this is where we begin... The war has started and the search for the only other person who can help Harry to fulfill his Prophecy, has begun.

**This game is not only one of the HP RPG world, but it is also an interactive mystery. We are looking for players who are imaginative and very active. The game is similar to Clue in the sense that muns and characters alike have the chance to decode and discover whom this certain mystery girl is.**