Harry Potter RPG Resources' Journal

Recent Entries

You are viewing the most recent 6 entries.

10th April 2010

therepo12:28am: Just a simple but decorative code for a text box for easy applications and other things you want your players to copy. Remember to remove the *'s when you put the code to use.



3rd April 2010

ex_pansexual7733:13pm: A Cast Table
Character Name
Age, Occupation, Loyalty
PB Name
Character Name
Age, Occupation, Loyalty
PB Name

Read more... )

2nd April 2010

arurbex10:05pm: Game Setup Checklist
Here is a checklist of both the basic pages need to run a fandom RP, and a list of optional pages that might be useful for various HP settings. It's always helpful to have a list, otherwise you end up like me, and forget to add something very basic, like an application!

The Basics )

The Optional Pages )

3rd April 2010

ex_pansexual77312:28pm: A Basic Character Profile

Table here )
ex_pansexual77311:57am: Available Character Table by House

This available table is made for school based games but can be modified accordingly.
Please credit [info]hp_resources
Do not hotlink the images
Images: Gryffindor Ravenclaw Slytherin Hufflepuff

*Please note while the full image is not correct (oops) the code is!
Full image and code )

2nd April 2010

arurbex7:30pm: Inputless Friending Button
I won't claim that I created the original code for this, or for friending buttons or even inputless friending buttons, but we get a lot of requests for the code so I am posting it here,

Credit goes to my co-mod [info]therepo and [info]pansexual, as this code is a somewhat based on their resources.

The Inputless Friending Button!

Instructions Behind the Cut )
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