Feb. 29th, 2012


In Another Lifetime - A gift for aleysiasnape!

Title: In Another Lifetime
Author: [info]d_andru
Recipient: [info]aleysiasnape
Pairing(s): Severus/Hermione/Lucius
Word Count: ~2850
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Non con/dub con, double penetration, master/slave, crude language, AU
Summary: Hermione goes back in time with only the best of intentions but finds that terrible things really do happen to witches who meddle with time.
Author's Notes: A huge thank you to the lovely [info]starduchess who was kind enough to step up last minute and offer a wonderful beta. The piece is much improved by her keen eye.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and don't make money.

In Another Lifetime )