Feb. 24th, 2012


An Unlikely Situation (Part III of III) - A gift for pristineungift!

Title: An Unlikely Situation
Author: [info]aleysiasnape
Recipient: [info]pristineungift
Pairing(s): Severus/Hermione
Word Count: 4,488
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, EWE
Summary: Hermione finds herself imprisoned in the dungeon. Who will help her survive?
Author's Notes: I really hope the recipient likes my results. I really had fun writing this and many thanks goes to my betas. You know who you are!
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except the plot.

An Unlikely Situation (Part III of III) )


An Unlikely Situation (Part II of III) - A gift for pristineungift!

Title: An Unlikely Situation
Author: [info]aleysiasnape
Recipient: [info]pristineungift
Pairing(s): Severus/Hermione
Word Count: 4,488
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, EWE
Summary: Hermione finds herself imprisoned in the dungeon. Who will help her survive?
Author's Notes: I really hope the recipient likes my results. I really had fun writing this and many thanks goes to my betas. You know who you are!
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except the plot.

An Unlikely Situation (Part II of III) )


An Unlikely Situation (Part I of III) - A gift for pristineungift!

Title: An Unlikely Situation
Author: [info]aleysiasnape
Recipient: [info]pristineungift
Pairing(s): Severus/Hermione
Word Count: 4,488
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, EWE
Summary: Hermione finds herself imprisoned in the dungeon. Who will help her survive?
Author's Notes: I really hope the recipient likes my results. I really had fun writing this and many thanks goes to my betas. You know who you are!
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except the plot.

An Unlikely Situation (Part I of III) )