Feb. 11th, 2012


I Am Your Punishment - A gift for daiseechain!

Title: I Am Your Punishment
Artist: [info]pristineungift
Recipient: [info]daiseechain
Pairing(s): Bellatrix/Lucius
Medium: Comic Book: A combination of colored pencils, ink pens, and digital coloring.
Rating: R
Warnings: Nudity; Sexuality; DubCon; Adultery; Chains
Summary: Lucius has displeased the Dark Lord. Bellatrix is his punishment, and he is her reward.
Author's Notes: I based the character designs/style on Ozai and Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and based their poses on screencaps because I do much better when I have a direct reference to look at.
Disclaimer: All characters, places, and situations recognizable from Harry Potter and/or other media belong to the appropriate parties. No profit is being made. All original content, including but not limited to plot lines and characters, belong to this user. Please request permission before redistributing.

I Am Your Punishment )