March 14th, 2012

[info]scarletladyy in [info]hp_prisonerfest

Master List: The Reveal 2011/2012!

The third round of [info]hp_prisonerfest has come to end, and it's time to announce the wonderful authors and artists who created our lovely gifts. It's been another incredible year with an amazing quality of both fic and art produced, and we're exceptionally grateful for all your hard work. We've had a great time modding and we hope you enjoyed yourselves too!

Master List: The Reveal 2011/2012! )

[info]scarletladyy in [info]hp_prisonerfest

Participation Banners!

We wanted to give something back to everyone who participated in [info]hp_prisonerfest 2011/2012, so come and collect your beautiful banner! ♥

2011/2012 Participation Banners )