The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers

Sara posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]beautyfulevil
Date: 2007-10-28 05:31
Subject: Pairings?
Security: Public
Music:"A Beautiful Lie" -- 30 Seconds to Mars

What pairing(s) will your fic have this year?

Right now, mine has Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, and Harry/Draco, and I'm sure there's gonna be others, but I haven't figured those out yet. LOL.

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humantales posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]humantales
Date: 2007-10-27 21:00
Subject: Introduction
Security: Public

Name: [info]humantales
Years you've participated: This will be year 4
Previous NaNo Fics: Learning to Vanquish (HP fanfic; I finished) and two years of an original novel I could never get off the ground. Third time's the charm.
NaNo Journal: [info]humantales

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Sara posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]beautyfulevil
Date: 2007-10-26 15:44
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Mood:artistic artistic
Music:Wicked - Dancing Through Life

Name: [info]beautyfulevil or you can call me Sara
Years you've participated: This is my second attempt at NanoWriMo.
Previous NaNo Fics: It was an original piece that failed miserably. Maybe someday I'll revisit it some day. It was a good idea too. *LOL*
NaNo Journal: None. I'm registered at the NanoWriMo site under beautifulevil, if you wanna add me as a buddy.
Other: Um; this should be fun and I'm glad to be here! Feel free to smack me when I start whining about how hard this is, yeah?

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elfflame posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2007-10-25 17:53
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Someone gave me an idea, and I thought I'd share it. There are threads on the NaNo boards featuring challenges for the writers to include in their stories. It's a way to add a twist when you otherwise don't know what to do next, a way to increase wordcounts, and even a way to give you a way to start.

So, I was thinking we could start a thread here (this one, of course), and use it to offer ideas, challenges, odd pairings or meetups (they hardly have to be sexualized) set in the HP universe for everyone else to peruse and use at their leisure. Anyone can use any challenge. They don't go away just because one person has used it.

And a few to get everyone started:

prompts )

Feel free to snag any you find intriguing and use them any way you wish, and even more, feel free to add your own for others to snag. :D

Have fun!

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elfflame posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2007-10-25 08:37
Subject: A week to go!
Security: Public

So, I know there aren't many of us here, but I hope everyone is ready and raring to go, as NaNoWriMo kicks off next week.

How's everyone feeling at the moment? Got your story thought out? Outlined? Just chosen characters and you're going to throw them together? Are you trying something new? Something tried and tested that you wanted to make into a longer story?

Feel free to share the comm to talk about your fears and hopes for the coming month, or particularly if you have issues with something HP-related that you can't seem to find an answer to elsewhere. Also feel free to post writing links, HP links, or anything else you think might be of use to anyone here.

Good luck, everyone!
Your mod,

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stonegrad posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]stonegrad
Date: 2007-10-23 13:06
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Name: [info]stonegrad
Years you've participated: '05
Previous NaNo Fics: none - it was a complete flop
NaNo Journal: just my normal one
Other: I'm seriously thinking of doing Lucius/Albus Severus... which is freaking me out somewhat, mostly because I don't know if it will even work.

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sg posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]snapesgirl
Date: 2007-10-14 16:00
Subject: sharing a link
Security: Public

Thought I'd share some links

links )

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elfflame posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2007-10-02 08:17
Subject: And it begins!
Security: Public

So, it's October 2nd...  Have you checked in on yet?  If you've signed up in the past, all you have to do is log in and set up your new Profile.  And while there's not much there yet, the Forums are up and running.  Everyone ready to start writing?  If not, there's character, outline and plot help there.

Some especially helpful links:
Basic word-count spreadsheet
A bunch of nice resources here including older versions of reportcards and character and outline creation
And more great resources
Participant icons
The Zokutou word meter
Some basic tips for beginning writers

Anyone have any other helpful links?


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User: [info]ex_harleen425
Date: 2007-09-28 17:27
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Name: Harleen
Years you've participated: This will be my first real attempt. I almost did in 2005, but my original fic idea didn't pan out.
Previous NaNo Fics: None, see above.
NaNo Journal: I'll probably just use my regular journal.
Other: I have ideas for a post-DH AU fic where Fred survives, which focuses on his recovery and how the twins cope with that. I need to start my outline, but I have at least half of it in my head.

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Sebastian posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2007-09-28 22:58
Subject: Kabal
Security: Public
Location:Copenhagen, Denmark
Mood:surprised surprised

Name: [info]kabal42
Years you've participated: Last year with an aborted attempt at original fic. I still plan to write that story, just not till I'm done with Uni, I think.
Previous NaNo Fics: Aforementioned original. Though it was set in the world from the role-playing game 'Fading Suns', if that's familiar to anyone.
NaNo Journal: None so far. I think I'll keep it in the regular journal.
Other: This year I'll be writing a H/D fic that came to me in the most persistent bunny I've seen in years. I have notes for 9 chapters right now and that's only around 2/3 of the fic. So it might get very long *G*

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elfflame posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2007-09-27 19:19
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Name: [info]elfflame
Years you've participated: I won it once in 2005, and a very aborted attempt last year that got me nowhere.
Previous NaNo Fic: Chrysalis (H/D, R, finished)
NaNo Journal: Have been debating it, but probably not.
Other: Last year I was considering doing an original piece, but I looked at everything I had to do, and decided not to, because the piece needed too much work.

This year, I have a fic idea (Harry/Draco, of course) involving dreams and fairy tales (and a few other assorted things), and I've been having fun trying to decide which tales to use...  I think I could do it.  Could be fun. :D

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sg posting in The Asylum for Harry Potter NaNoWriMo Writers
User: [info]snapesgirl
Date: 2007-09-25 13:36
Subject: introduction
Security: Public

Name: [info]snapesgirl or sg for short
Years you've participated: this will be my second attempt
Previous NaNo Fics: Sinistra's World, which is being posted at 100quills on el-jay
NaNo Journal: same as here, I know, not very original.

About this time last year, I selected a prompt table at 100quills to help me come up with ideas and began to write up background on my main character. There is not a lot on Lexicon about Professor Sinistra, so I was free to develop her personality quirks, preferences and dislikes.

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my journal
October 2008