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Oct. 31st, 2015


Halloween Gift for Magnetic_pole

Gift for: [info]magnetic_pole

From: [info]smallbrownfrog

Title: Crossing Over
Characters: Neville
Rating: PG
Summary: There's a fine line between muggles and magic folk, and between the living and the dead.
Notes: Thank you to my beta, L. magnetic_pole, I hope this is what you were asking for.

Crossing Over )


Halloween Gift for Hannelore

Gift for: [info]hannelore

From: flipflop_diva

Title: Today, I Walk Within
Characters: Neville Longbottom. Mention of Pomona Sprout.
Rating: G
Summary: Neville Longbottom hated venturing into the Forbidden Forest. But on All Hallow's Eve, he would make an exception.
Notes: Thank you to the mods for hosting this awesome fest! It's one of my favorites of every year, and I get so excited each time signups go up! Also thank you to Avi/[info]flyingharmony for her wonderful beta skills and her general awesomeness in life. And [info]hannelore, I hope you enjoy!

Neville hated going into the Forbidden Forest. )


Halloween Gift for Bluemermaid

Gift for: [info]bluemermaid

From: rivertempest

Title: Poisoned Truth
Pairing: Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns it all. She would never approve of what I do to her beloved characters.
Warnings: Disturbing imagery, horror.
Summary: Wizarding society thinks Neville Longbottom is an innocuous, brilliant herbologist. He cultivates this notion as he does his beloved plants.

Notes: Dear [info]bluemermaid - I hope you like the direction I went with this. I also want to thank you for listing 'horror' as one of the things you wanted to see in your gift! It may be a stretch, but you could consider the prompt of 'monster' as well. And if that wasn't enough, there is visual confirmation that a particular fungus exists: Many thanks to my beta [info]delphipsmith (and her science-y husband!). She is a brave soul!

Poisoned Truth )

Nov. 7th, 2014


Halloween gift for _hannelore (and the community)

Here is our final post for the community. [info]dragyn_42 went above and beyond in writing his gift, so here is all three parts (part 2 was posted on the day of). Enjoy!

Gift for: [info]hannelore

From: [info]dragyn_42

Title: Tricks and Treats (I, II, and III)
Characters: Luna, Neville, Harry, Dumbledore, McGonagall
Rating: G
Summary: Luna has always loved trick-­or-­treating at Hogwarts.
Notes: [info]hannelore, this idea came to me from your prompts, and I couldn’t figure out when it should happen. I tried it several ways, and what developed was a sort of triptych.

Happy Halloween )

Oct. 31st, 2014


Halloween treat for hannelore

Gift for: [info]hannelore

From: [info]dragyn_42

Title: Tricks and Treats, II
Characters: Luna, Neville, McGonagall
Rating: G
Summary: Luna has always loved trick­-or­-treating at Hogwarts.
Notes: [info]_hannelore, this idea came to me from your prompts, and I couldn’t figure out when it should happen. I tried it several ways, and what developed was a sort of triptych. I chose this ‘panel’ for you because ‘pumpkins’ brought it closer your prompt. So, pumpkins (sort of), magic, and, well...Luna. I hope you enjoy it.

Happy Halloween )


Halloween Treat for flipflop_diva

Gift for: [info]flipflop_diva

From: [info]hannelore

Title: Dearly Beloved
Characters: Neville Longbottom, Augusta Longbottom
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: character death
Summary: Neville's Gran has always been a part of his life. Now that he's a Hogwarts professor, she couldn't be more proud. She's still a part of his life, but it's become a problem.
Notes: Happy Halloween, [info]flipflop_diva! This ended up being more angsty than intended, but if you squint there's a happy ending. A bag of candy corn to my beta [info]pauraque for being awesome.

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Halloween Gift for Unbroken_halo

Gift for: [info]unbroken_halo

From: [info]l3petitemort

Title: Cornered
Characters: Harry, Neville, & a surprise guest
Rating: PG13
Summary: Post-war, Harry & Neville encounter a new kind of horror
Notes: You told me to have fun, [info]unbroken_halo, so fun I had! I hope it suits your fancy.

Happy Halloween! )

Oct. 31st, 2011


Halloween gift for Rillalicious

Gift for: [info]rillalicious

From: [info]erised1810

Title: Almost
characters: James Potter, Albus Potter
Rating: G
Summary: While everyone else is inside for the usual Halloween celebrations, James and Albus have sneaked off to look for something else.
Notes: Oof! Just in time! Kudos to the mods for keeping this thing rolling, and especially bearing with my screw-ups. And thanks to Rilla for this cool prompt.

Happy Halloween )


Halloween gift for Erised1810

Gift for: [info]erised1810

From: [info]katelinmr

Title: My destiny
Character(s): Neville Longbottom
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling; no money is made with this.
Warnings: Dark!Neville
Summary: Neville has to kill Nagini, and so he shall, but for reasons entirely different than we thought.
Notes: Thanks [info]lordhellebore and [info]kc404duh for the beta!

It is time to face my destiny  )

Oct. 31st, 2010


Halloween Treat for Erised1810

Gift for: [info]erised1810

From: [info]rillalicious

Title: Hero
Character: Neville Longbottom
Rating: G
Summary: Neville isn't going to forget the day he frightened Alecto Carrow.

Happy Halloween )

Oct. 31st, 2005


Gift for: [info]ranchangrl

Original poster: mchoneygoose

Gift for: [info]ranchangrl
From: [info]bell_witch

Rating: G

Trick or Treat )