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Oct. 31st, 2013


Halloween Gift for Manghahabi

Gift for: [info]manghahabi

From: [info]bonfoi

Title: On a Pale Horse
Pairing: Severus Snape/James Potter; implied James Potter/Lily Evans
Rating: PG13
Summary: In between leaving and living, there are the bonfires
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.Warnings: IF ANY, otherwise, delete this line.
Notes: Here's to yet another spook-tacular Halloween/Samhain Season at [info]hp_halloween. Many thanks to the lithe and lovely goblins and gremlins that have brought us all together to celebrate the ghostly holiday and the inspiring [info]lore's birthday. This treat wouldn't be possible without the careful eyes of my beta [info]sighing_selkie; she's a pip! And, finally, here's to [info]manghahabi who gave me a prompt I wrestled with, and causing me to torch a few double drabbles before I found the right eerie voice for it. Hope your shivers were delicious!

It was Samhain… )

Nov. 1st, 2010


Halloween Gift for the Community

Gift for: The Community

From: [info]starduchess

Title: A Solemn Samhain
Pairings: Severus/Harry, also James/Lily, Severus/Lily
Rating: PG
Summary: Severus and Harry have a different way of honouring the Samhain rites.
Notes: As I went through LJ setting up all the previous tags, I noticed there was not a single Snarry drabble anywhere. In six years. Seriously. Okay, there's sort of one, if you choose to read it that way. Honestly, go look! Anyway, so I wrote one for the community. Thanks for letting me participate!

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween and a Blessed Samhain!!! )