Jan. 18th, 2008


fic: Skipping Quidditch (Hooch/McGonagall, PG)

Title: Skipping Quidditch
Author: [info]tattooedsappho
Pairing: Hooch / McGonagall
Rating: PG
Word Count: 117
Authors Notes: Originally written 1/8/07, moved to [info]imp_inkstains then posted here.
Disclaimer: Not mine. damn.

Skipping Quidditch )

Jan. 14th, 2008


Title: Headmistress Interrupted
Author: [info]tattooedsappho
Pairing: Hooch / McGonagall
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200
Summary: All work and no play makes Minerva a dull girl.
Authors Notes: Written for Double Drabble #9 ('07) at minorhp100 then posted to [info]imp_inkstains before coming here.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just playing with them.

Headmistress Interrupted )