Jul. 5th, 2011


Fic: For Want of a Gryffindor

Title: For Want of a Gryffindor
Author: curiouslyfic @ LJ
My own prompt: Er. Inspired by [info]vividescent's fabulous Regulus/Remus art, Healing Touch, which I suppose makes it Regulus/Remus Hogwarts injury!fic. In my defense, have you seen that art? It's so gorgeous, I can't stop staring.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Regulus/Remus
Summary: His reckless older brother has been dragging him into mad schemes his whole life and it has never ended well. There's a first time for everything.
Warnings: Highlight: Hogwarts students of unspecified age having frottage/hand job sex
Word Count: 6k
Author's Notes: My actual pinch hit is supposed to be Draco/Albus, hearing impairment, erectile dysfunction, and hotel sex. This is what happened when I procrastinated on revisions by catching up on the fest. Fic exists entirely because [info]vividescent drew a Regulus that completely stole my heart; credit her way, blame mine. ♥
Disclaimer: Transformative work of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. No profit being made here, no offense intended, I own nothing, I'm in it for the love.

(For Want of a Gryffindor @ LJ)

Jun. 26th, 2011


Art: A Healing Touch

Title: Healing Touch
Artist: [info]vividescent
My own prompt: When Sirius and James find themselves quarantined in the infirmary for the week of the full moon, Sirius begs Regulus to help heal Remus's wounds with his healing potions every morning after.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Remus Lupin/Regulus Black
Summary: Remus is reluctant to trust the Slytherin, but the concern in Regulus's eyes and his soothing touch brings out unexpectedly romantic feelings in Remus.
Warnings: None.
Medium: Digital.
Disclaimer: All HP characters and concepts belong solely to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.

(Healing Touch @LJ)