Harry Potter Dark!Fic and Art Recs - July 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Harry Potter Dark!Fic and Art Recs

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July 16th, 2008

HP Dark!Fic Recs -- Wednesday, 16 July 2008 [Jul. 16th, 2008|08:55 pm]
Fresh Blood:
• FIC [info]elfflame wrote Tied With a Ribbon. Lucius has a pet. (Lucius/Tonks, R, *non-con, bloody play*)
• FIC [info]the-minx-17 wrote Under New Authority. There are more Dark wizards than just Lord Voldemort, a fact that Harry forgot until it was too late. (Lucius/Harry, NC-17, *non-con, slavery*)

• ART: Not a pickle.

Seasoned Killers:
• FIC [info]midnitemaraud_r wrote The Perils of 'Doing Porridge'. Prison changes a man. (Lucius/Stan Shunpike, Others/Stan Shunpike, NC-17, *non-con*)
• FIC cyanide blue wrote Doubt. Regulus trembles, gripping his wand whiteknuckled. ... The sick feeling in his stomach is no more than just the heat affecting him, the sweat on his palms is the same. (Regulus, PG-13, *character death, child death, torture*)
• FIC [info]julia_fractal wrote Mnemosyne. Knowledge of the future comes at a steep price. (Snape, G)

• ART ao-bluekitsune drew For Christmas (George, Fred, PG, *character death*)
• ART coinkydink drew Sectumsempra (Harry, Draco, PG-13, *blood, violence*)
• ART [info]mieronna drew To Leave And To Be Left (Harry/Snape, PG-13, *character death*)

We are always looking for recs, old and new. If you have any, please comment to this post.
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