Harry Potter Dark!Fic and Art Recs - May 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Harry Potter Dark!Fic and Art Recs

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May 7th, 2008

HP Dark!Fic Recs -- Wednesday, 7 May 2008 [May. 7th, 2008|06:23 pm]
[Current Mood | pleased]

Fresh Blood:
• FIC Anon wrote Broken. He'd given the blond boy his trust despite everyone else's warnings. (Bellatrix/Harry, NC-17, *torture, bondage, non-con, AU*)
• FIC [info]stonegrad wrote Five Times Lucius Malfoy and Ron Weasley Clash. See title ;) (Lucius/Ron, NC-17, *non-con*)
• FIC [info]regasssa wrote Forbidden Past. Harry wakes up in an unfamiliar place, with a very familiar person. (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter, *non-con, violence*)
• FIC Anon wrote Initiation. Remus must gain the trust of the werewolves in rather a forceful way. (Fenrir/Remus, R, *non-con, bondage*)
• FIC [info]real_life_rosy wrote I Wander Mazily. Remus has brought him home, and now will care for him. Until Severus is strong again. (Snape/Lupin, R, *dub-con, mentions of bestiality, mental illness*)
• FIC [info]2_4_joy wrote The Darkness Drops Again. Knowing the Dark Lord has returned, Karkaroff awaits his punishment. (Karkaroff, PG-13, *implied character death*)
• FIC Solaes wrote Blood Runs Vicious. Deeper than Madness (Sirius, Regulus, Walpurga, PG-13, *mental illness, violence*)

• ART [info]ships_harry drew Nine tenths (Snape/Lupin, NC-17, *dub-con, prostitution*)
• ART [info]ponderosa121 drew Imprisoned (Draco/Remus, NC-17, *bondage, dub-con*)
• ART [info]ghot drew Caught (Snape/Lupin, NC-17, *bondage, non-con*)

Seasoned Killers:
• FIC [info]potteresque_ire wrote Clean. Thirty years after the Second War, Draco Malfoy witnessed the downfall of Harry Potter. (Harry/Draco, NC-17, *implied drug use and character death*)
• FIC [info]curia_regis wrote Designs of Love. "Pansy loves the curve of Ginny's neck. The slight hollow at the base of her throat. The shadows made by the flickering candlelight." (Pansy/Ginny, Hermione/Pansy, Bellatrix, NC-17, *bloodplay, torture, character death*)
• FIC [info]chthonya wrote Invictus. Lucius abducts Hermione. (Lucius/Hermione, NC-17, *violence, non-con*)

• ART [info]mieronna drew Trusting the Dark Man (Harry, Voldemort, Death Eaters, NC-17, *bondage, slavery, torture*)
• ART Frizzyhermione drew Saved (Voldemort, Harry, Death Eaters, PG-13, *bondage*)
• ART [info]pervart drew Water (Snape/Harry, NC-17, *non-con, drowning*)

We are always looking for recs, old and new. If you have any, please comment to this post.
LinkScream and Shudder

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