Tue, Apr. 27th, 2010, 12:10 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: ART: "Bedtime Stories" for camillo1978

Recipient: [info]camillo1978
Author/Artist: [info]inspired_ideaa
Title: Bedtime Stories
Rating: PG
Pairings: Wilhemina Grubbly-Plank / Aberforth Dumbledore
Word Count: N/A
Warnings: None
Summary: Wilhemina thinks Aberforth is a prickly old goat, but he tells the most wickedly amusing bedtime stories.
Author's/Artist's Notes: I don't normally work in colored pencils, but I liked Wilhemina's expression in my preliminary sketch, so I just grabbed my son's pencils and went for it.

Bedtime Stories )