Mon, Apr. 19th, 2010, 12:35 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "The rest of the mornings in the world" for purplefluffycat

Recipient: Purplefluffycat
Author: [info]lyras
Title: The rest of the mornings in the world
Rating: R
Pairings: Horace Slughorn/Cornelius Fudge
Word Count: ~5,500
Summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Horace finds an opportunity to repay a favour to an old friend.
Author's Notes: Well, I never expected to write this pairing! Purplefluffycat, your prompts gave me quite a few ideas, but this was the one that really spoke to me, so I hope you enjoy reading! Thank you very much to [info]mindabbles for doing a great beta job on this story. All remaining errors are my own.

The rest of the mornings in the world )