Sun, Apr. 14th, 2013, 07:36 am
[info]atdelphi: FIC: "Run With the Pack" for torino10154

Recipient: [info]torino10154
Author: ???
Title: Run With the Pack
Rating: R
Pairings: Sirius Black/Aberforth Dumbledore
Word Count: 5757
Contents or warnings (highlight to view): *None*
Summary: When Albus said he had seen a stray dog around the village and to leave him out scraps, Aberforth knew right away that there was no way that dog was simply a stray.
Author's Note: [info]torino10154 you gave a lot of ideas in your sign up. You mentioned Madam Rosmerta and Sirius and or James, but you also mentioned Aberforth. I thought it would be interesting to take Sirius into the Hog's Head rather than the Three Broomsticks for this story. I hope you enjoy. Thank you to D for the help and my betas A.

Run With the Pack )