Sun, May. 3rd, 2009, 01:29 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Between A Man And A Woman" for iamisaac

Recipient: [info]iamisaac
Author/Artist: [info]ragdoll
Title: Between A Man And A Woman
Rating: Hard R/NC-17
Pairings: Molly Weasley/Arthur Weasley
Word Count: 4700
Warnings: het sex
Summary: When Molly Prewett's father doesn't approve of her choice of a husband, she is forced to take drastic measures in order to marry the man she loves.
Author's/Artist's Notes: [info]iamisaac, I can't tell you how happy I was to get your request. I'd been wanting to write this story for quite some time and your requests/suggested elements fit perfectly, thus giving me the excuse to finally do it. I sincerely hope you like it.

Much thanks to my betas R. and S. and to [info]bethbethbeth for being such a fab mod and for coming up with the idea for [info]hp_beholder in the first place.

Between A Man and A Woman )