Wed, May. 14th, 2014, 08:27 am
[info]atdelphi: FIC: "A Short Treatise on the Social Lives of Ghosts" for the HP Beholder Pinch Hitters

Recipient: The HP Beholder Pinch Hitters
Author/Artist: ???
Title: A Short Treatise on the Social Lives of Ghosts
Rating: PG
Pairings: Cuthbert Binns/Grey Lady, Cuthbert Binns/Horace Slughorn, Moaning Myrtle/Nearly Headless Nick, The Fat Friar/The Wailing Widow
Word Count: 3200
Medium: Prose
Warnings/Content Information: None
Summary: The social lives of ghosts are more complex than they’re credited for.

A Short Treatise on the Social Lives of Ghosts )

Sun, May. 12th, 2013, 08:04 am
[info]atdelphi: FIC: "Come Back to Haunt You" for therealsnape

Recipient: TheRealSnape
Author/Artist: ???
Title: Come Back to Haunt You
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Moaning Myrtle/Minerva McGonagall, background Minerva McGonagall/Amelia Bones
Word Count: 4000
Medium: Fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View):  *Grief; one character is dealing with the death of another. Also, an apparent May-December romance, although I believe the characters feel themselves to be of the same age.*.
Summary: Nothing about love makes sense.
Author's/Artist's Notes: In my universe, for a number of reasons you probably don’t need to hear about at length, Pottermore never existed. What you do need to know here is that your gentle author never adjusted her initial assessment of Minerva McGonagall’s age. The Minerva McGonagall of “Come Back to Haunt You” is a contemporary of Tom Riddle, as is the ghost known as Moaning Myrtle. Thank you to my accidental beta S and to for accepting the torch.

Come Back to Haunt You )

Mon, Apr. 29th, 2013, 06:06 am
[info]atdelphi: FIC: "The Spirit Is Willing (And the Flesh Is Weak) for nothorse

Recipient: [info]nothorse
Author/Artist: ???
Title: The Spirit Is Willing (And The Flesh Is Weak)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Neville Longbottom/Millicent Bulstrode, Neville Longbottom/Millicent Bulstrode/Moaning Myrtle
Word Count: ~5215
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *[threesome, polyamoury, ghost sex]*.
Summary: Neville is elated when Millicent gets a position at Hogwarts so they can finally be together. However, with a jealous Myrtle on his hands, their relationship may not have a ghost of a chance.
Author's Notes: Dear [info]nothorse, this may be the oddest pairing I’ve ever written, so you've only got yourself to blame. You gave me a lot of free rein to do what I wanted, but I loved the idea of characters settling into adult life and romance, at least the living, breathing ones, so there's that plus polyamoury and a little bit of fluff. Thank you so much for the prompts! I hope you like it!

Thanks to my dearest S. for all the betaing and brilliant suggestions, and for keeping me going when I wasn’t sure if I should. And my undying gratitude to our fantabulous mod [info]atdelphi for putting together such a fantastic fest, and for being so patient with me.

The Spirit Is Willing (And The Flesh Is Weak) )

Fri, May. 4th, 2012, 12:33 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: ART: "Seduction" for xylodemon

Recipient: xylodemon
Artist: [info]sealcat
Title: Seduction
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Moaning Myrtle/Severus Snape
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): * None*.
Summary: She knows she is not allowed to seduce students, but she is allowed to seduce this new professer, right?
Artist's Notes: Dear xylodemon, I hope this drawing is ok for you. This is the first time I've drawn Moaning Myrtle, so maybe she might not be Moaning Myrtle-like enough for you ^_^;; And many thanks to the Beholder mod let me have more time to finish it!

Seduction )

Mon, May. 16th, 2011, 01:57 pm
[info]beholder_mod: ART: "Early Moaning Bath" for ragdoll

Recipient: [info]ragdoll
Artist: [info]chazpure
Title: Early Moaning Bath
Rating: R
Pairings: Myrtle/Draco
Media: Pencil & Photoshop
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *[nudity, hand-job]*.
Summary: He was never happy when he came to her, but Myrtle understood woe. She'd had decades of practice at it, after all.
Artist's Notes: Gift art for Ragdoll. I hope you enjoy this, and I apologize for any wonky anatomy that may be represented!

Early Moaning Bath )

Thu, May. 12th, 2011, 01:45 pm
[info]beholder_mod: FIC: "Out of Order" for venturous

Recipient: [info]venturous
Author: alwaysasnapefan
Title: Out of Order
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Luna Lovegood/Moaning Myrtle
Word Count: 3,838
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *[None.]*.
Summary: If there are two good things that have come about as a result of her mother's passing, they are her ability to see Thestrals and her healthy fascination with death.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Much thanks to Supes for ideas and beta work.

Out of Order )

Fri, Apr. 22nd, 2011, 01:40 pm
[info]beholder_mod: FIC: "A Very Bad Thing Indeed" for Miss Morland

Recipient: Miss_Morland
Author: [info]lash_larue
Title: "A Very Bad Thing Indeed"
Rating: R
Pairings: Aunt Marge/Umbridge Millicent Bulstrode/Moaning Myrtle
Word Count: 14,340
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *[sex, masturbation, culling of deformed pup (ruthless, but not drawn out or sensationalized)]*.
Summary: Just because a woman does not meet contemporary standards of beauty does not mean that she doesn’t have needs and longings. Strong women find a way to satisfy them.
Author's Notes: According to the interview with JKR, "Harry and Me", Millicent Bulstrode is a half-blood. In this story she is a pure-blood. The village Marjorie lives near is real; I did not make that up.

My thanks to albalark for wading through this.

"A Very Bad Thing Indeed"

(Don't forget to return to this post to leave feedback for the author!)