Fri, May. 14th, 2010, 01:25 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "On the Mating Habits of Muggles & Naturalist Witches (OR Muggles in the Midst)" for didodikali

Recipient: [info]didodikali ([info]trickofthedark)
Author/Artist: [info]ragdoll
Title: On the Mating Habits of Muggles & Naturalist Witches (OR Muggles in the Midst)
Rating: R/NC-17
Pairings: Dudley Dursley/Luna Lovegood
Word Count: ~6535
Warnings: none
Summary: Noted naturalist Luna Lovegood trails an elusive Muggle male in his native environment, seeking to gain his trust in an attempt to learn more about Muggle behaviour. Luna gets more than she bargained for, while Dudley Dursley gains more than he ever imagined.
Author's/Artist's Notes: This is for [info]didodikali who asked for so many wonderful things including: humour and romance, unconventional beauty, strange girls, and sweet boys. Your requests just demanded this pairing to me. I really hope this was something close to what you were looking for.

My everlasting thanks to My Three Betas, coffee_n_cocoa, curia_regis and eeyore9990 and r_grayjoy without whose support I couldn't have gotten this finished, and of course, [info]bethbethbeth for her patience.

On the Mating Habits of Muggles & Naturalist Witches (OR Muggles in the Midst) )