May 16th, 2012

01:35 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "The River Horse" for featherxquill

Recipient [info]featherxquill
Author/Artist [info]leni_jess
Title The River Horse
Rating soft R
Pairings Amelia Bones/Severus Snape, hints of unrequited Poppy Pomfrey/ Amelia Bones
Word Count 9800 words
Medium Fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View) *A homophobic wizarding world and some readily spotted AU not!deaths. Quotations from DH are in italics.*.
Summary What better match than the head of Magical Law Enforcement and the spy within Voldemort's ranks (and Dumbledore's, too)? A very gifted witch and a very gifted wizard might have some hope of surviving a war.
Author's Notes [info]featherxquill, I hope you enjoy this. Be aware that I think of Amelia looking pretty much like Judi Dench, only more athletic, because, both witch and ex-Auror. Thanks to my beta reader F for last-minute whip-cracking and helpful beta work, and to [info]bethbethbeth, our saintly Mod, for patience, world without end.

The River Horse )

01:42 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: ART and FIC: "The Life She Chose" for femmequixotic

Recipient: [info]femmequixotic
Artist/Author: [info]chazpure
Title: The Life She Chose
Rating: G
Pairings: Eileen/Tobias
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): * None*.
Summary: Her reasons were her own and no one else's business.
Artist's/Author's Notes:: 4 Pencil drawings, colored in Photoshop - plus a 325 word ficlet.

The Life She Chose )