April 28th, 2011

08:13 am
[info]beholder_mod: FIC: "Fair Is Fair, and Life Is Not (Though Tea Helps an Awful Lot)" for shadowycat

Recipient: [info]shadowycat
Author: [info]anguis_1
Title: Fair Is Fair, and Life Is Not (Though Tea Helps an Awful Lot) Rating: R
Pairings: Filius Flitwick/Pomona Sprout
Word Count: 4,894 words
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *No warnings apply.*
Summary: Although their students might sometimes be oblivious to it, teachers have lives, too. Fertilized with dung and watered with tea, Filius Flitwick and Pomona Sprout cultivate a love slowly bubbling along behind the scenes.
Author's Notes: Particular thanks to [info]bethbethbeth who runs the best fest in fandom and puts up with me. Filius uses a few quotes in this fic. I've marked them out in italics and single quotation marks. The first is by James Joyce, the second is by Marcel Proust, and the third is from Rudyard Kipling's poem, "Ode, Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance, 1934."

Fair Is Fair, and Life Is Not (Though Tea Helps an Awful Lot) )

08:17 am
[info]beholder_mod: ART: "At the local watering hole" for luvscharlie

Recipient: [info]luvscharlie
Artist: [info]icarusinwax
Title: At the local watering hole
Rating: G
Pairings: Arthur/Molly
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *[None]*. None
Artist's Notes: Arthur showing off his terrible lion tattoo to a very amused Molly, as you can see. Sorry that there's no table sex. They got freaky in my mind, but not on paper! <3

At the local watering hole )

08:19 am
[info]beholder_mod: From the Beholder Mod

Happy Thursday!

Clever observers will already have noted that today's postings were early. This is because your Mod is setting off for the wilds of New Hampshire to spend the weekend at Aeternitas!

There will be a post - as always - on Friday (sometime), but this weekend there will be two days posting-free, in part to give you all a chance to catch up on your reading/viewing/commenting and in part because I'll be in transit much of Sunday.