May 1st, 2009

11:56 am
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "He Knew He Was Right" for lyras

Recipient: [info]lyras
Author/Artist: [info]naughtysnail / [info]bluemoon02
Title: He Knew He Was Right
Rating: PG
Pairings: Aberforth Dumbledore/Minerva McGonagall, background mentions of Albus/Grindelwald
Word Count: ~3500
Warnings: None
Summary: Aberforth resents that, through his life, he has always had to share his women with his brother.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Huge thanks for the hard work and patience of my beta, B. Lyras requested character study, angsty with a glimmer of a happy ending, and people re-building themselves. I'm not sure I managed exactly happy, but hopefully satisfying. I really hope you enjoy!

He Knew He Was Right )

12:02 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "In a quiet moment, I'll teach you" for lee_west

Recipient: [info]lee_west / [info]westwardlee
Author/Artist: [info]rafflesiakerrii
Title: In a quiet moment, I'll teach you
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Rosmerta/Viktor Krum
Word Count: 1211
Summary: Durmstrang students are allowed to go to Hogsmeade after the Tri-wizard champions are announced. They visit the local pub where Viktor receives a few lessons from Madam Rosmerta that might not be useful in the tournament, but that certainly guarantee a good time.
Author's/Artist's Notes: I really loved the prompt I got from [info]lee_west - and this was what spontaneously came into my head. I don't normally ship 'experienced woman with inexperienced boy' but here it seemed so right, and I really really enjoyed writing from a different perspective than I normally do. Hope you like it, [info]lee_west!!

In a quiet moment, I'll teach you )