April 15th, 2009

10:56 pm
[info]beholder_mod: Reminder: HP Beholder posting begins tomorrow!

...or today, for those of you who are already living in my future!

As before, each day of the Fest will see the posting of one/two stories and/or works of art. Posting will generally take place at either 12:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. (New York time)...depending on my schedule.

Three final notes:

1. Last minute stragglers (including a few of my nearest and dearest): time's up! *g*
2. Feedback, girls and boys! Let's encourage the creation of fic and art that focuses on the less traditionally attractive characters. As the icon says: "...they need love too!"
3. Yay, [info]hp_beholder!

(extra note: if anybody's in contact with [info]miramiraficfic, please ask her to write to me at beholder.mod [at] gmail [dot] com)